
Sep 7, 2012

What the Bible says on Various Topics: For Cell phones etc

What the Bible says on Various Topics
Listings For Cell phones and any other size challenged devices

Listings at page top under site picture:

  • Muslims find Jesus Part 1 Part 2-7 below in Main List
  • Jews for Jesus Yeshua Messiah 
  • Jews for Jesus Yeshua Messiah Part 2  (this is listed under Mail List)
  • Hindus Come to Jesus
  • Homosexuals saved by Jesus
  • Witchcraft/Wicca, Satanism and the Occult to Jesus
  • Revelation: Last Book of the Bible: Chapters 1-11
  • Revelation: Chapters 12-18
  • Revelation: Chapters 19-END

  • Listings in side bar:

    What the Bible says on Various Topics


    Main List