
Sep 10, 2012



What we are seeing is neither wrath nor judgment, it is not an angry God doling out justice with righteous in dignation, these have not as yet commenced. All we are seeing presently is the removal of blessing, the removal of favor, the removal of protection, and the removal of peace. When judgment comes and wrath is poured out it will be another matter entirely.
- Hand of Help Ministry Newsletter OCT/Nov/Dec 2011

Gary Kah on TruNews "American Kristallnacht"(?)
American /Christian Connection Begins at 14:00
with Rick Wiles on TruNews 5.16.2012

Steve Quayle on The Hagmann and Hagmann Report,
March 20, 2013

The handwriting on the wall and it is against us. America has been weighed on God's balance and found lacking. Therefore, who among us should not expect that judgment will fall upon America?

Prophetic Warnings- America- 2010 to 2020
"Perfect Storm prophecy"

The Perfect Storm prophecy was first spoken by John Paul in May 2008 before any of the events we know of today had taken place. It is based on a series of events that began after that, and are going to continue to take place over the next decade. That does not mean they will instantly stop around the year 2020, it simply means that as of the time the Lord gave these to John Paul that was the time frame given. It may continue longer.

John Paul has broken these events down into 5 Elements. This web site is a tool for preparing for these elements Spiritually and Practically. It is also meant to be an aid to help you track events that fall within the Coming Perfect Storm, though as John Paul mentioned in the Perfect Storm prophecy, "There will come a time when no one person can keep track of all that will be happening."

"This is not a time for fear, this is not a time for sorrow. This really, really is a time for those who know their God to do great exploits. Trust Him, believe in Him, live for Him, draw close to Him and you're going to find He'll draw close to you. It never fails. Don't make God too small, you can never make Him too big." John Paul Jackson

America's Destruction: Michael Boldea
(Interpreter for Dumitru Duduman)

Dumitru Duduman Russian invasion of Americas and the Tribulation

A Note from Michael Boldea:

I prefer to fade into the background, and let the message have center stage, and if men looked to me, I pray they would see Jesus and nothing more.

I claim no title, or mantle, having no aspirations for either, and am extremely content with being identified as just another servant of God.

I believe we are all equal in the eyes of God, and the only difference between one who is called to ministry, and one who is ministered to, is the level of accountability required of God, for to whom much is given much is also required.

I do not believe that my call to ministry, my heritage, or my sacrifice, entitle me to feeling entitled.

I believe we are living dangerous times, wherein the Word of God has been substituted in His own house with men's notions and ideas of what they thing God's Word should be.

I am intolerant of both deception, and men who would profit and make merchandise of God's word, and believe there is no place for entertainment in God's house.

I refuse to compromise truth under any circumstances, and will defend it vehemently until my dying breath, and prefer to starve rather than make business of God's word.

I believe in charity of heart, and helping the poor, and consider that caring for the widow, the orphan, and the forsaken of society, should be a priority for every ministry, and minister of God.

I believe in a sovereign, omnipotent, and omniscient God, whose love for the world was such, that He sent His only Son to die that we may have life, and absent of Christ and the cross there is no salvation, atonement, or redemption.

I believe a life of prayer, fasting, obedience and humility are essential for every true servant, and these two virtues marked the lives of all of God's great warriors.

I believe truth is precious, and greatly undervalued in our society.

I believe that pride and vainglory are the root cause of more spiritual men's downfall than anyone will ever know, and find hypocrisy among the children of God both indefensible and inexcusable.

I cry every time I hear George Frideric Handel's Messiah sung in my native tongue.

This is who I am, for better or worse, a blade of grass in an endless field, a drop in the ocean of eternity, yet loved, as you, by the Creator of all that is, confident in the knowledge that He comforts, He guides, and He strengthens.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.

Profetii pentru America / America in Prophecy

Ken Peters - I Saw the Tribulation

This video is recorded in 2005 at Prophecy Club. Ken Peters had dreams about end-time and tribulation in 1980. His dream greatly disturbed him, as he had no biblical knowledge of end times, the second coming of Christ or Tribulation. A few week after the dream, he accept Jesus as his saviour.

Ken Peters update 2012
New smart TVs watch you in the Tribulation

Ken Peters update 2012
Mark of the Beast 666 color drawings