
Mar 3, 2012

Prophets: False Prophets - Billy Graham

Prophets: False Prophets - Billy Graham

Acts 20: 26-31 New International Version 1984 (NIV 1984)

" . . . 26 Therefore, I declare to you today that I am innocent of the blood of all men. 27 For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God. 28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. 29 I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. 30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. 31 So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears.

Acts 20: 26-31 New Living Translation (NLT)

" . . . 26 I declare today that I have been faithful. If anyone suffers eternal death, it’s not my fault, [Greek I am innocent of the blood of all.] 27 for I didn’t shrink from declaring all that God wants you to know.

28 “So guard yourselves and God’s people. Feed and shepherd God’s flock—his church, purchased with his own blood—over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as elders.[Greek overseers.] 29 I know that false teachers, like vicious wolves, will come in among you after I leave, not sparing the flock. 30 Even some men from your own group will rise up and distort the truth in order to draw a following. 31 Watch out! Remember the three years I was with you—my constant watch and care over you night and day, and my many tears for you.

Billy Graham: Forerunner to Antichrist - PT1

Write-up below video:
Billy Graham is nearing the end of his life. But his most damaging work may yet lie ahead.

After Billy enters eternity and faces judgment, billions of dollars worth of his materials will be distributed around the world in dozens of languages

There's a movie titled, "Billy: The Early Years," starring Armmie Hammer and Walter Mathau released in 2008. THE GLORIFICATION OF BILLY GRAHAM HAS BEGUN BEFORE HE IS EVEN PASSED ON.

What message will be heard?

Billy is an inclusivist/universalist (nice term for apostate) and has been from the beginning. He admits it, John R. Rice, Bob Jones Sr., Carl McIntire and others exposed it and Graham's own ministry confirms it.

Billy Graham preaches a watered-down Gospel and a false 'Christ' who does not call false Christians  and other pagans out of their idolatry [idolatry is when you place anything above God, be it work, money, fame, people, sex etc. ]

We will listen to Billy's own words from his own mouth, starting in 1949. We will read quotations from his massive propaganda machine. We will read admissions from Billy's own autobiography.

Billy Graham sent millions of unwary seekers from a 'sinner's prayer' [at his crusades] into the clutches of the Whore of Revelation 17. We must WARN our loved ones and stand against Graham's 'evil empire'.

This is a message that all true Bible Believers MUST have as we prepare for the final days of this end time delusion that is sweeping Christendom and has swallowed nearly all of evangelicalism and much of professing fundamentalism already.

- Randal Hurst, media king, told press to "Puff up Billy Graham

Matthew 24: 3-
Signs of the End of the Age

3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?

4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ, [Messiah/ Annointed One ]’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.

[And like birth pains, these signs will progressively become stronger and closer together - This has indeed been the history of wars and earth quakes in the past century!]

9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:11] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the roof of his house go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get his cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again. 22 If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. 23 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.

Billy Graham: Forerunner to Antichrist - PT1

- Harry Truman called Billy Graham "a conterfeit and a publicity seeker".
- Bob Jones III said, "Billy Graham has done more harm to the cause of Christ than any other living man".
- Billy Graham has been working to build a false world church since the earliest days of his ministry.
- Graham teached Antinomianism.

They listened eagerly to Paul’s message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth. - Acts 17: 11 New Living Translation (NLT)

Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world. - 1 John 4: 1 New Living Translation (NLT)

Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm, but the Lord will judge him for what he has done. Be careful of him, for he fought against everything we said. 2 Timothy 4: 14-15 New Living Translation (NLT)

Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. -  Matthew 7: 15 New Living Translation (NLT)

1948 - Spoke our against the World Council of Churches -[This organization works towards the union of all churches - the end times prophecies speak of a false one world church as well as a one world government]
1961 - Began attending meeting of the World Council of Churches
1966 - Began publically mentioning the World Council of Churches
1974 - Began publically supporting the World Council of Churches

1950 - Graham began secret liason with the Catholic church - from Graham's book "Just as I am" pg 162

Billy Graham's False Teachings and Beliefs, The Closet Catholic

He is on public record supporting homosexuality, abortion, his disbelief in a literal hell, his support and practice of infant baptism to save children, his support for the Catholic church's worship of Mary (yet he calls himself a Protestant).

HERE'S A GREAT LINK. Part Transcript of his Schuller interview and other Quotes.

This Link is for the rest of the Article below:

He has repeatedly praised infidels and apostates as great Christians. He actively supported the American government policy to fight the Vietnam War. He would not challenge the idea that the Bible is mythology, when directly questioned. The deception doesn't stop with the Protestants, Catholic supporters have been kept in the dark about his abortion views. The deception goes way beyond Protestant, Catholic beliefs.

Billy Graham is a 33rd degree Mason?

This is an important issue, however, even if Billy Graham were not a 33° Mason, there are many things that he is doing that should warn Christians not to support him. There have been a number of people in casual conversation who have mentioned Billy Graham being a 33° Mason, for instance a CIA leader, a NSA person who is against the NWO, and various Masons. These accidental revelations are what can be considered casual evidence, in that it is accidentally heard.

Some of the people who have read Fritz Springmeyer's Be Wise As Serpents book have been experiencing validation of what was written on Billy Graham by their own casual contacts with people. These types of encounters are very meaningful to the people who experience them, but their significance is hard to communicate to others. Hopefully, readers of this, who are truth seekers, will have their own casual-evidence-validation experience. One piece of casual evidence came from a Shriner Clown. It turns out the only clowns who were chosen to perform for the Billy Graham 1993 Portland Crusade were Shriner Clowns. There were non-Masonic clowns available, even some Christian clowns, but the masons were the only ones Graham allowed to perform for him.

Various people, who have worked in the system for the Illuminati, such as an ex-witch who is now a Christian, an ex-33° Mason now a Christian, and a CFR's person also now a Christian, all testify that Billy Graham is a 33° Freemason. A woman and a man who are ex-Satanists and now Christians also have mentioned about Billy Graham's Masonic membership.

Why Billy Graham is going to Hell

Billy Graham is a False Prophet, as is Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen, Paul Crouch and many others

'Woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you. For so did their fathers to the false prophets.' - Luke 6:26.

Billy Graham is spoken of in this video simply because he is a perfect example. False prophets are loved by many and speak smooth words. They preach a message that sounds true but ultimately fulfills self. They pretend to be ignorant of truth when they are approached with it. They lead men to hell like the Pyed Piper.

The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave:
Chapter 5: The Skill of Lying, The Art of Deceit - Billy Graham
by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler (Linda Johnson)

Billy Graham using Masonic handsake and Masonic Devil's Claw stance
 ** (a 2nd article on Billy Graham and the Catholic Church follows this article)

Everyone in the Illuminati of any significance has participated in grooming the public to believe that Billy Graham is a great man of God. Graham has stood beside Presidents and Popes. The Illuminati don't just program individuals, they program whole nations. The public has been led to believe in a television image. But what if the secular media's image of Billy Graham is not real? For Christians it means that they can quit trusting in a man, and place their trust fully on God. For secular readers, they can begin to see the extent of how America 's institutions have been corrupted by the horrible trauma-based mind-control. The heart-beat of the Body of Christ is crying out that something is terribly wrong. We will address that. All of us, whether Christian or not, must step out of the lies and look clearly out into the darkness and see every facet of this evil mind-control. [Link here to read Mind Control: Trauma Based Mind Control (scroll down past intro message)]

When men who worship the god of this world place "In God We Trust" on the Federal Reserve bank notes, we who know the truth must step out of our dream world and realize that they mean Lucifer. (By the way, the Federal Reserve is not a government agency, but a private banking institution of the Illuminati. This has been documented in a number of writings.) The issue at hand in this next section is to show how the institution called "the Christian church", and the world in general has been deceived by a programmed multiple and this trauma-based mind-control.

Secular readers will be shown that the doctrines that Christians want to believe in, have been subtly destroyed under the disguise of building them up. This is no different than the destruction of the positive values which hold any group together. (After the repeated collaboration by essentially all the Christian churches worldwide in many activities as the NCC, the Billy Graham Crusades, the Promise Keepers and other programs, the Christian churches, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant and non-denominational can be considered one institution.)

The infiltration and control of the Christian religion has been one of the easiest tasks of the Illuminati. The Christian churches are what the intelligence agencies called "SOFT TARGETS."


In 1992, Billy Graham broadcast all over the U.S. his radio show called Embrace America 2000. In the Louisiana area, it came over the KJAM Lafayette Station. During the show, Billy Graham told the American people we need to embrace the New World Order. Billy Graham is also on record stating that people can have salvation through paganism (another name for witchcraft). For instance, in McCall Magazine (Jan. 1987) Graham stated,

"I used to believe that pagans in far-off countries were lost--were going to hell. I no longer believe that. I believe that there are other ways of recognizing the existence of God--through nature, for instance."

Pagans believe that salvation can be obtained through nature. This is not a pleasant story. Billy Graham has been built up to be the most respected popular person in America . Who wants to find out they have been deceived? We will try to give you the facts, or evidence, and may God grant you wisdom as you read this. This section is not propaganda for our own personal views.

Years ago, when Fritz set out on his search, he had no final outcome in mind. Fritz isn't concerned with concealing facts one way or the other. There is no desire to stampede our readers any where. We do want to clarify many issues. We do want to help the truth seeker. But the co-authors personally have no battle to win, except that truth be brought forth. The issues at stake are not trivial.

Historically, Billy Graham's deception is one of the "greatest" deceptions that has ever been perpetrated. Some might argue the greatest, making Benedict Arnold, Quisling, and the Trojan Horse pale into insignificance.

Allow us to introduce you just briefly into the world of the Illuminati. All top hierarchy Satanists are required to have covers. The Illuminatus will have multiple personalities, and he or she will have one personality that is particularly shown to the outside world. They (the Programmers, handlers and the Illuminati councils) try to get the best covers that they can. They like to be clergymen, but they are also mayors of big cities, lawyers, doctors, etc.

A Christian psychiatrist who has worked with numerous victims of Satanism and Multiple Personality Disorder wrote this observation after having worked with a large number of ex-multi-generational programmed Satanic multiples,

"Some Satanists have invaded the church as it is the perfect cover for them. They masquerade as angels of light and gravitate towards positions of leadership in order to have more influence. Because much of what they say is sound doctrinally, they are rarely detected. Most survivors whom I have worked with had Satanist parents who were in high positions in churches; many were pastors."

(Dr. Fox, Loreda. The Spiritual and Clinical Dimensions of Multiple Personality Disorder. Salida , CO : Books of Sangre de Cristo, p. 196.)

Let us repeat what Dr. Loreda Fox said, "Most survivors whom I have worked with had Satanist parents who were in high positions in churches; many were pastors."

She didn't say "some," she said MOST. Independently, we have discovered the very same thing. People don't grasp that just because a preacher can sincerely preach what seems a "perfect sermon," doesn't mean that he can't also be part of the Satanic hierarchy. What is happening with the Illuminati's ability to create programmed multiples is that we are getting perfect preachers who are secret hierarchy members.

Some of their "perfect sermons" are full of slides, such as "the Christian people need to get involved in the voting process". Christians love to hear such things, it tickles their ears, but the truth is that the entire voting process has been captured and corrupted. Voting machines have repeatedly been exposed to have been rigged, and the controlled media and public denial have prevented Americans from giving up their myth that the common man's votes run this nation. (The subject of election corruption is dealt with in Fritz's newsletters, etc.) [ Link here to view topic Democracy Destroyed: Election Frauds Canada and US ]

In Fritz's Be Wise As Serpents book (which exposed Billy Graham as a Luciferian in 1991), it is explained that high level Satanism is Gnosticism which requires that "the Force" of these great satanic magicians be balanced. In other words, in high level Satanism your good deeds must balance your evil deeds. People do not realize that unless someone does "good" deeds they cannot be a high level Satanist. That is why some of the greatest philanthropists are also our leading national Satanists.

To see Billy Graham do something commendable does not disqualify him from Satanism. In fact, it is a requirement if he's been part of the Illuminati, such as ex-insiders/witnesses say he was. In fact, it wasn't until working on this book that an eyewitness to the mind-control abuse of at the hands of Billy Graham offered to help contribute to this section of the book. In other words, an eyewitness helped write this. This eyewitness account by the Co-author matches what the list of eyewitnesses that Fritz assembled in 1993 have said. But the eyewitness went further and exposed Billy Graham crusades' skillful use of Monarch slaves to launder drug money. [ Link here to view topic Trauma Based Mind Control: MK Ultra - Monarch - Ritual Abuse]

Several police officers have stated that today, there is for all practical purposes no police training helping police to understand Satanism. They are highly trained in many areas, but Satanism is avoided. When an Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) case involving multiplicity in Olympia , WA recently happened, the police who investigated the case found that they were treated as international experts in Satanism by other policemen. But they themselves knew that they knew very little.

Where are the experts to teach us about how the Illuminati functions? Where are the experts who know who are in the Illuminati? There is no college open to the public that teaches Advanced Illuminati Studies 401, and gives degrees in Satanism. The expert witnesses are those who have managed to leave the Illuminati and Satanism, and stay alive long enough to talk. But the other side will argue, how can we verify the testimony of your witnesses Fritz?

Remember what happened to over 100 people who had some type of knowledge about the Kennedy assassination? Jim Marrs in his book Crossfire on the Kennedy Assassination lists 103 people who were key figures in knowing about the assassination who have died, many in circumstances that indicate assassination. The story we are dealing with here is just as sensitive to the elite as Kennedy's assassination, because it involves their preparations for the creation of a false Christ, called by Christians the AntiChrist, who will be the master handler/programmer. [Also a number of 911 witnesses have been killed -Link here - 9/11: The Dead Witnesses Who Died Mysteriously -WHO KNEW TOO MUCH? ]

The List Of Known And Credible Witnesses

If the authors were to call my list of witnesses up to the witness stand--which I can't for it would be a death sentence to many of them, the list would include:

1 Council of Foreign Relations member, who is secretly against the New World Order

1 National Security Agency person, who is against the New World Order

1 CIA high level administrator

2 Satanists, still in covens, but unhappy enough with the situation to talk

4 ex-Satanists, 3 of which are eyewitnesses, all Christians now

2 ex-New Age leaders who worked with the Conspiracy, both became Christians

1 ex-33° Mason, now a Christian

Various Christians who have worked with Billy Graham, Pastors, etc.

Various therapists working with Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) victims

The man who ran Security at the Sacramento Crusade

Alice Braemer, a woman who worked as a secretary for Jeanne Dixon

None, except for a couple of exceptions, none of these people knew anything about what the other witnesses (sources) had said. The high degree of validation and collaboration that separate testimony by witnesses who have never seen each other and live in different parts of the country is very powerful. There are several questions that pop up into people's minds who are not familiar with who Fritz is, and are not familiar with these witnesses. The type of worries some readers could be naturally having might be: But how are we, the readers, to know how accurate these people are? Are they trustworthy? Do they have a reputation for honesty? Could they possibly be giving false information to discredit a great man of God?

These kind of questions can be natural questions for people unfamiliar with how this information was obtained. But we assure you, that what we pass on from these eyewitnesses can be relied upon. None of these worries have any substance to them, because the manner in which Fritz came to find out about Billy Graham has generally been while he was researching other things related to the Illuminati. The author has not been out to build a case, the case has built itself from numerous detached witnesses who have nothing to gain by telling what they know. These witnesses have not come to Fritz to feed him bogus information.

Just the paper trail on Billy Graham is very revealing in itself. Generally the information of these witnesses has been confided by these witnesses to their trusted friends. Initially, these witness have had no idea that the information they confided in their trusted close associates would go beyond their most trusted friends. These trusted friends then have had permission to let me contact them or find out their information. The reason why these people are believable is that the information they reveal could get them killed, and second, the manner and circumstances of how the information has originally unfolded has never been in any fashion or method that could be construed as an attempt to give false information.

Clarifying What Is Looked For In Proof

Too many people are considered guilty unless proven innocent--which means that a legitimate search for truth has NOT taken place. On the flip side, we must bear in mind that hidden information that has laid dormant for years may totally reverse our understanding of something. Exceptional circumstances may surprise us. If some item does not lend itself to totally irrefutable, totally unqualified claims, then knowing this, the proper investigator uses words like "almost certainly" and "most likely". If the investigator feels strongly that everything is totally clear, he may declare that something is correct "without qualification." This is the nature of proof.

We need to understand the qualifications and reservations that often are attached to evidence or conclusions. But we certainly do want to press our investigations as far as possible to get as many "unqualified" conclusions as possible. Of course, by the time we write this, we have already done our investigating, and have one conclusion without any qualification: Billy Graham is working for the Satanic Hierarchy. We want to try to introduce the material in such a way that you will get some sense of the search, so that you will not simply accept our conclusion but will make rational spirit-led critically-thought-out decisions about Billy Graham.

So for the sake of the reader's investigation, please, let us unshackle ourselves from our prejudices and preconceived labels. Let us suspend our judgment about Billy Graham one way or the other, until we have thoroughly studied, prayed and gained discernment about this. It might be interesting to get some of the Masons, who casually without realizing what they were saying, have talked about Billy Graham's membership, or other aspects of his Masonic involvement.

It's doubtful that such men would be of any value on the witness stand. Their numerous Masonic oaths to lie and conceal Freemasonry under penalties of gruesome death would tend to have more influence on them than swearing on a Bible. (See Duncan's Masonic Ritual book, p. 30 for the 1st Degree oath.) This type of witness, because they talked accidentally and casually are very valuable witnesses to whoever accidentally hears them, but unfortunately they must be assumed to be still loyal to the Masonic Lodge and would be hostile witnesses that will not cooperate. If this were an actual court of law, depositions of Billy Graham's staff could be taken, so that it could be revealed to the court how many times they have lied. By showing their lies, their testimony would be impeached and Christians would realize that Billy Graham's staff have played a major role in the deception.

This article will put forth evidence that impeaches the testimony of Billy Graham's staff. We must refer readers to the Be Wise As Serpents book and other writings of Fritz Springmeier for more information. Also some other books will be named too. Because these leaders are corrupt, they have been participating in the mass deception of the world about what Billy Graham does and who he is. In fact, if this were a court of law all types of people could be subpoenaed to take depositions, and we might find out many more things than we already know.

The Motivation of the Co-Authors

Many people, who like Billy Graham, have imputed evil motives to anyone exposing Billy Graham. As the Scripture say at one point, "Am I to become your enemy because I tell you the truth?" The story about Billy Graham and his life-long career for the Illuminati is not an easy thing for us to write. We do not enjoy speaking negative things against people. We do enjoy speaking positive things about people. And yet no man, no servant of God is above reproach. We can personally have an inner peace that what we have done was what we should have done. Something needs to be done to wake mankind up before its too late.

Clarifying What is Acceptable Testimony

In some subjects, going to the encyclopedia or almanac will settle questions. In dealing with the Illuminati and high levels of the occult world -- unless the investigator is willing to listen to eye-witness testimony, he or she will get nowhere. There is rarely any written record of their secret activities. But how much stock can be put in eye-witnesses? Many people up to now have criticized Fritz for using eye-witnesses. But remember that if we did manage to get some paper trail or books on the subject, that book paper trail would not be acceptable in court, or even if allowed would not be as important as our eyewitnesses.

In court, the written records can be introduced along with the person who recorded them. In other words, the personal witness is still important even with written documents. The testimony of our eyewitnesses expose Billy Graham's mind-control activities. Still, we want to bear in mind that witnesses have varying degrees of credibility and knowledge. The qualifications of witness in relation to what they are testifying is important. But to simply dismiss all these witnesses because they are not paper is simply to cut ourselves off from many valuable sources of information.

In accumulating evidence, the researcher will come upon two types of information. One is prearranged evidence and the other is called casual evidence. Casual evidence is evidence that has just happened to appear by accident. An actual example is when friends of mine met a total stranger who happens to be a Mason and he offhandedly talks about Billy Graham being a Freemason. Casual evidence is simply evidence that happens without the interested party having anything to do with it surfacing. Finding casual evidence is generally "luck".

In this case, Fritz has bumped into a great deal of casual evidence, simply because he had his eyes open and has been investigating this area for several years. Because of the situation today in this nation, there is little chance to get a proper hearing of this information. In terms of the future, indeed, the backlash from this book may silence us. The truth will still remain, even if we and the other witnesses don't.

We can draw conclusions about ducks from studying various types of ducks. I can not draw conclusions about radios from studying ducks, I can generalize about American made cars, but I can't include in my generalization about American cars an ox-cart in India . This may sound basic, and it is, yet people try to generalize by lumping the generational Satanists in with everybody else, and it just doesn't work. They also try to draw conclusions about the Freemasons on the basis of what the Rotary Club they belong to is like and it just doesn't work.

In terms of trying to get a proper hearing today, one of the barriers is that people use their own experiences to draw conclusions. People have nothing in their experience to allow them to draw conclusions about the Illuminati programmers/handlers who are moral degenerates and programmed multiples, who will do anything, in spite of their nice fronts.

The Policies of Deception By The Billy Graham Crusade Staff

In 1992, a Christian named Richard Bennett, a friend of Fritz's confronted the Billy Graham Crusade staff. What he was concerned about was the Billy Graham crusade policy (that has been in place since the 50's) of sending Catholics that come forward back to Catholic churches. Documentation shows that the deception is worse than that, new believers that have never gone to any church are sometimes referred by the Billy Graham counselors to the Catholic Church.

Now, why would Richard and Fritz be concerned about the Catholic Church? Richard Bennett was a priest from Ireland who worked at the Vatican, before giving his life to Christ. He knows how the Catholic hierarchy prevents people from realizing what they have in Christ. For those who have read Fritz's Be Wise As Serpents book chapter 2.2 you know that Fritz is very concerned when anyone gives their allegiance to a power structure that is part of the NWO and part of its Monarch trauma-based total mind control.

Not everything about the Catholic church is wrong. Yet, the Billy Graham Crusade could never get the support it gets from conservative Christians if Billy Graham's staff didn't lie about where Crusade converts are sent. What Richard and Fritz were concerned about was that new Christians would be sent to Catholic churches, which now are teaching Zen Buddhism, New Age things, not the salvation by grace that these new Christians need. Granted the enthusiasm of these new Christians might infuse some life into the Catholic church, but a babe in Christ is defenseless. He needs nurture, and the chance to grow. It isn't meant for new Christians to be thrown to the wolves.

Anyway, last Spring and Summer, the Billy Graham Crusade Executive committee was confronted face to face with the evidence of what the Billy Graham Crusade in Sept. '93 was going to do. Actually, more people than Richard did confront them, but Richard is one of the most knowledgeable ministries to the Catholics in this area. What the Billy Graham Crusade Executive Committee told Richard Bennett was that he had nothing to worry about. That the crusade would never send anyone to a Catholic church, but that if new converts wanted to go there on their own, that was their own choice.

Four Catholic leaders sat on the Executive Committee for the '92 Portland Crusade -- Chancellor Mary Joe Telly, a deacon and two priests. On the Catholic radio station, (and we have it recorded,) Mary Joe Telly of the Billy Graham Executive Committee along with another Bishop Wall Schmidt told the Catholic listeners not to worry that if they came forward they would be guaranteed that they would be referred back to a Catholic church. They gave the assurance four times in that talk show. They said that the decision to send people who came forward to Catholic churches was firm because it had come right from the very top. This was 6 p.m KVDM Portland station. Our recording of this is a record of just one of thousands of lies that the Billy Graham Crusade people have told Christians over the years.

In fact, from the evidence it appears the Billy Graham Crusade people say whatever they have to, regardless of the truth. In the North Star Baptist, Nov. 1964 there was an article by Japheth Perez, who as a convert in the NY 1957 Billy Graham Crusade and a brand-new Christian, was sent to a Catholic church by the Billy Graham Crusade.

Ian Paisley wrote this comment about Billy Graham's staff: "Dr. Graham did not reply. He never does reply to letters like this. He states he never defends himself. He does have a staff, however, who are paid to defend him and who are never hampered by facts or bothered by ethics or logic in carrying out their duties. One of the group, George L. Edstrom, replied. The Jesuits themselves could not give a finer example of casuistry than his. It is thoroughly dishonest and deceitful, ... However, since this technique of deceit by misdirection, this failure to face up to the issues, this disregard of fact, and this blasphemous attempt to identify Dr. Graham's official connection with infidels and his flattery and endorsement of them with our Lord's ministry to publicans and sinners is so typical of the Graham organization..."

In Fritz's June '93 Newsletter From A Christian Ministry, a letter from Graham's staff was reproduced with a point by point exposure of its lies.

Christians are really not well aware of what the Billy Graham Crusade does. We quote a paragraph from a letter sent to Billy Graham clear back in the 1950s by a Pastor who, grieved by what Billy Graham was doing to the harvest field, said:

"Some people say that if you have just one convert in an evangelistic campaign, it is worth the meeting. That is not true. The evangelist, as the pastor and teacher, is given to the Body of Christ. The real test of an evangelistic campaign is not how many people are converted but what kind of a spiritual condition does it leave in a community. Billy Graham is not only failing in the number of people he leads to the Lord Jesus Christ in this day when hearts are hungry and most people are afraid of what may happen in the world and when it is easier to get people converted than it ever has been in my lifetime, but Billy Graham is pulling the limbs off of the evangelistic trees and the orchard is being left in bad condition. As we have often said, the real test of an evangelist is not just how many converts he has but does he leave the orchard in condition so it will keep bearing fruit."

Billy Graham's Active Role In Satanic Ritual Abuse

Before we get into the details, we'll take an overview. Satanists thrive on power. Satan loves to give his followers power. Satan took Christ to the mountaintop and told Christ that he'd have a "crusade" and bring every one to follow Christ, if Christ would just bow down and worship him. Christ refused. Billy Graham accepted it.

We know a great deal how the Satanists took Billy Graham, the brush salesman and made him into the famous evangelist that he has become. Additionally, we also know from victims of Satanism, that have come out of it, that Billy Graham has been a Satanist himself. How can this be? And how can we know this?

One of the best witnesses is a Monarch program survivor, who has escaped from being a high-level Pentagon slave. This survivor witnessed Billy Graham working for the Illuminati. This survivor also carried messages for the Satanic hierarchy and personally knows that Billy Graham has been carrying messages from the top secret Illuminati to Presidents and heads of state. This person's information has been backed up by independent witnesses. A second ex-Satanist also remembers Billy Graham as a Satanist. Still another person, an ex-Illuminati person, who has Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) [caused by trauma based mind control] stood in front of Billy Graham and watched his eyes. This person said that it was very clear that Billy Graham has MPD and that he switches personalities.

By happenchance or God's will, Fritz received a report from one of the women who went to church with Billy Graham's wife Ruth. The woman was told by Ruth in conversation that her husband Billy Graham is strange in that he always sleeps with his eyes open. It is characteristic of people who have MPD to sleep with their eyes open.

People who have MPD may have [BOTH] a devout Christian personality and a devout Satanic personality all within a single body. This is not uncommon. In Billy Graham's case, he is fully aware of what he is doing for the enemy in all his personalities, although his Christian personality may not be ecstatic about it all.

Billy Graham's Decision magazine has on its front page caption is "'Changed From the Inside Out," and displays an infinity loop on the cover. Many Monarch slaves have had lots of programming around the infinity loop. This is an important trigger to remind them how they are captured by the unending repeating rebuilding programming. There are countless little things like this, which are evidence that Billy Graham is playing a role in the satanic mind-control of the Illuminati.

Dr. Schefflin, a mind-control expert, told me that he saw internal documents from the 1950s teaching Billy Graham's people on how to have a successful revival. These documents instructed crusade counselors on things which were elements of mind-control, such as delaying people from coming forward to confess Christ until the "right" time.

If you've ever wondered how much Billy Graham knows--if the Illuminati haven't told him, a concerned Christian named David Hill, who was an ex-Mafia/ex-New Ager/ex-Mason did. The concerned Christian was a friend of Franklin Graham (Billy's son) and he had lived for two years at Billy Graham's house. He didn't realize that Graham had been sucked into the New World Order until he had confronted Billy Graham. David Hill, who was a ex-Mason turned Christian, who had worked with many of the world's elite, spent 18 hours in a hotel room warning Billy Graham about the New World Order. Billy Graham told David Hill at the end of their two days of talking in this eastern U.S. hotel room that he was "a captive of that [NWO] organization." In other words, after placing himself under the Illuminati's sponsorship in the late '40s, Billy Graham has had the choice of continuing to do his job for them, or being destroyed.

Since they created who he is, they can destroy him. And he knows it. David Hill went on to try to expose the New World Order and lost (was murdered) his life just as he finished a manuscript exposing it. Even a well-informed Christian like David Hill, who tried to warn Billy Graham about the NWO, was unaware of the extent of the deception of the Illuminati's mind control. David didn't know about programmed multiples.

David Hill, who was a high ranking Scottish Rite Freemason and an important Mafia figure before he came to Christ, had even been the go between for Billy Graham and Joe Banana, a Mafia kingpin. It was David Hill, who innocently believing in Billy Graham, arranged the meeting for the two men.

David Hill knew that William Randolph Hearst was part of the Illuminati. He was part of the branch Illuminati -- at what could be termed the 6th degree. William Randolph Hearst was totally into paganism. That is very obvious by a tour of his mansion in California which has been turned into a museum. It was William Randolph Hearst who financed the first three years of Billy Graham's Crusades.

Stu PAK is associated with the Stewart Title Company. Stu Pak provides funds for Billy Graham and others. The head of Stu Pak is friends with Billy Graham and George Bush. The company has a lot of relatives running it. The Morris family is also tied to it. The people of Stewart Title Company are ruthless. The Van Duyn Illuminati family in California also helped Billy Graham's ministry get started. One of the ways the Illuminati funneled money to Billy Graham was through a monthly check delivered to Jeanne Dixon's office, which was picked up every month by Billy Graham's staff. After Dixon 's secretary came to Christ she tried to expose Billy Graham's connection to Jeanne Dixon. Jeanne Dixon sells crystal balls with snakes. She is part of the Illuminati. Billy Graham wrote her a letter calling her "a woman of God." Dixon 's secretary had a copy of this letter with Billy Graham's signature on it, after she became a Christian.

In 1952, in Paris , Billy Graham and another evangelist had dinner with two prostitutes and each one took one of them home. Billy Graham had a wife and children at home, so the whole affair was totally improper for an evangelist even if Billy Graham didn't have sex with the woman. He told his friend only that the prostitute had taken off her clothes and he'd gotten scared and come back to their hotel room. See Frady, Marshall. Billy Graham, A Parable of American righteousness. Boston : Little, Brown and Co., p.169-170.

In 1954, the man who ran security for the Sacramento Crusade saw a high-priced hooker sneak into Billy Graham's room prior to him going out for the Crusade. Billy Graham and this high priced hooker were alone together in the room, It is this type of thing that has opened Billy Graham up to blackmail. Should Graham ever try to stray from the proper course set for him by the Illuminati, they have plenty of ammunition to blackmail him. (You may ask why would the Satanists from generational satanic families want to intimidate Billy Graham with fear? Why, isn't he from a generational satanic family? The answer is that the whole Satanic system operates off of fear. Intimidation and fear are standard everyday parts of their makeup and actions. Sort of the counterpart to the saying there is no honor among thieves. The Satanic hierarchy are in constant intimidation and power struggles.)

When Billy Graham wanted to, he could call up Henry Kissinger and say, "Tell him to call me the minute he comes in." (Frady, p. 451) Henry Kissinger is right in the middle of what the Illuminati is doing. Another Illuminatus that Graham had a working relationship with is Henry Luce, friend of the Baruchs. Luce and Billy Graham spent several nights staying up talking late into the night. Knowing how the Illuminati work, it is very safe to assume that they have pushed Billy Graham into further degenerate acts. They have probably done everything they can to pervert Billy Graham, so there is no telling what sexual sins remain hidden.

Kissinger is a member of P2 Freemasonry. If we were to assume that Billy Graham were not involved (and that is a big IF since we know that he is), then if one studies P2 Masonic recruiting tactics given in the book In God's Name, p. 116, then the reader will grasp that anyone of Billy Graham's stature who associates so freely with P2 Freemasons will be targeted and blackmailed and forced to join. Once they join, new members are forced to compromise other possible targets.

Billy Graham is part of the people who implement the Monarch program (which was a joint Illuminati/CIA total mind control program done to people). We know that he is serviced by Monarch sexual slaves (their kitten alters). It is very easy for the network to keep these poor victims (Monarch slaves) from talking, and so the full extent of much of what has gone on may not come out in our lifetimes.

Another possible clue about Billy Graham's hidden life comes from Billy Graham himself. Do the readers remember how Jimmy Swaggert would disguise himself with sun glasses, etc. and his staff helped him carry out what he in part confessed? In Hollywood , FL (yes, FL!) Billy Graham said that he "often attends loveins and rock festivals incognito by putting on a false mustache and beard." He also said he found the experience in doing that kind of thing "refreshing." This story was in the Chicago Daily News, Dec. 29, 1969 . The article's purpose appears to have been to make Billy Graham look hip to today's rock and roll crowds of teenagers.

Billy Graham described his friendship with Alan Dulles, "I make every effort not to let it appear that I favor one party over another. I count Secretary Dulles a friend, but Senator Humphrey is also a good friend of mine, [who he met] ... when we were both swimming nude at the YMCA pool in Minneapolis where he was running for mayor."

A friendship with Alan Dulles? Alan Dulles, director of the CIA, was one of the biggest perpetrators of the trauma-based mind-control that this book is about. Humphrey also received orders from the Satanic hierarchy.

And what is this swimming in nude? When Billy Graham had his 1954 Crusade, large sums of the money came directly from people in the Illuminati, the Whitneys, the Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers, and Chase Manhattan. Billy Graham has numerous times attended Hollywood cocktail parties. Just two examples of which are: one given by Debbie Reynolds, and another one which was a cocktail party for Hollywood stars put on by Nixon at his San Clemente , CA home on a Sunday evening.

Billy Graham's schedule is filled with activities such as playing golf with people who are in the Illuminati, or are Hollywood types. The full impact of this constant fellowshipping with darkness is hard for people to grasp, because they picture that Graham is an evangelist and so therefore he must go where the sinners are. There is an expression, show me a man' s friends and I'll tell you about him. It's one thing to spend time with evil to give it a chance to repent and come to the light, It is another to fellowship with evil and allow it to remain in darkness.

Let us quote from a neutral source, a group who had been investigating the role of church and state. They were trying to determine for their study whether Billy Graham has had an impact on all the Presidents from Eisenhower to Clinton , This study was not pro or anti Graham, It was simply trying to determine what impact this religious leader is having on political leaders.

Billy Graham has spent a lot of time with all the Presidents, so their question was "has Billy Graham had some type of impact?" Their conclusion printed in the Journal of Church and State concludes," .. . .could Graham speak the word of truth - especially when that word may be critical or slashing -to the man in the White House when he is on such friendly terms with him? On the basis of the evidence now available, the answer must be no."

What a person does on his free time is said to be revealing. Christ did spend his time with sinners, but he called them to repentance. In all my study of Billy Graham, I haven't seen any of the Hollywood movie stars or politicians change their lifestyles by their association with Billy Graham. A number of "conversions" have been artificially created, and given widespread publicity by the press. Pat Boone is the type of close friend of Billy Graham that perhaps typifies Billy Graham. He is someone well-received by the public. Billy Graham has enjoyed using him in Crusades. Pat Boone continued playing in Playboy type night clubs while he was singing at Billy Graham Crusades. Pat Boone who is pro-jewish, may be jewish, because the State of Israel has given him some special positions. There is nothing wrong with having "jewish blood", it just explains some of his connections.

The Nugen Hand Bank was a CIA operation that laundered money, and did many illegal activities. Pat Boone was part of the Nugen Hand Bank scandal. Exactly how deep he was involved with the CIA's dirty dealing is unclear. Pat Boone's daughter Debbie Boone made a hit out of the song "You Light Up My Life", the words of the song were written by a man who worshipped Lucifer and wrote the song to Lucifer.
[Singer Debby Boone spoke out Monday about the suicide of songwriter Joseph Brooks, asking fans to separate the rape charges he went to his grave with from the hit song that launched her career.

"My only real association with Joe was in 1977 for a couple of hours in a New York recording studio when I recorded his beautiful song, 'You Light Up My Life,'" she said in a statement to The Daily News.

"That recording ...has meant so much to so many people. I will continue to sing it proudly and hope that people will be able to separate the song from Joe's severely troubled life."

The 73-year-old, who was charged in the rapes of 13 women, died from asphyxiation with a helium-gas filled plastic bag over his head at his upper East Side home. His death was officially ruled a suicide yesterday.

The case against Brooks died with his suicide, but charges live on against the personal assistant who allegedly arranged trysts with the women he is accused of raping.

Shawni Lucier is due in a Manhattan court Wednesday for a pretrial hearing on criminal facilitation charges.

She is accused of procuring beautiful young women from Oregon, California, Florida and Washington State for her boss.

She told cops she knew that Brooks had sex with some of the women and plied them with wine but was in the dark about the rape claims, court papers say.

She said she was working on a screenplay titled "Struck by Lightning" with Brooks and that the women were brought to the apartment to audition for the project.

Brooks' son, Nicholas, 25, is in jail on murder charges for the drowning death of his girlfriend, swimsuit designer Sylvie Cachay in the SoHo House club last year.

Read more:]
Billy Graham has placed the emphasis in his Crusades on putting liberals, even Catholic priests, up on the platform with himself. When does Billy Graham ever spend time with solid devout Christians? Every time Billy Graham went to Moscow he tried to avoid the devout Christians of the unregistered churches who unwittingly tried unsuccessfully to meet with Graham. Instead, he would meet with the heads of the Orthodox Church, which, since all the changes in Russia , are now proven to have been KGB agents--although most of us had suspected that all along from the type of things they said and did. How naive can Christians get? Do they really think that the Illuminati is going to let a legitimately powerful anointed Christian evangelist have regular access to their people? Don't Christians realize that if he was a real threat--someone who might really bring one of the top elite to Christ -- that they would be assassinating him, not wining and dining him.



The Apostle Paul warned Christian leaders,

"Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God , which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock." Acts 20:28-29

Bill Clinton, some senators, and Billy Graham's son Ned E. Graham invited the leaders of the Chinese house churches to a prayer breakfast in Washington D.C. Three delegates from the Three Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) and 3 others from house churches were invited, Lin Xian-Gao, Li Tian-En, and Yuan Xiang-Chen. Rev. Ned Graham visited these Chinese in person to extend the U.S. government's invitation. Graham told the chinese Christians that the government would pick up the entire tab for the breakfast. In return the U.S. government wanted the Christians to promise not to speak to the American press or to any Americans comments that might hurt the image of the Red Chinese government. The Chinese government had promised the American government that they would guarantee safe entry and departure for these house church Christian leaders. Then after the meeting, they were invited to Billy Graham's house.

The Chinese Christians declined the invitation by Graham. Chinese pastor Lin said,

"If I went to the United States , I would tell the truth, not lies. To tell the truth would definitely be considered an act of damaging the image of the Chinese government which would create a pretext for the government to refuse my re-entry into China . But my commission from God is to serve Him faithfully in China only. Therefore, I choose to remain in China rather than to go abroad."

Ned Graham (Billy's son) tried to talk the Chinese into coming, "I know that you surely do love your enemies, why then can you not compromise..." The pastor answered, "Yes, we can forgive our enemies for persecuting or opposing us in their ignorance, but we can never love the false prophets or their heresy."' Ned also said, "It is a glorious and dignified thing to be invited by President Clinton. Many people seek it, but cannot obtain it."

Fortunately, the Chinese did not buy it. (This info and quote comes from China The Untold Story by The Voice of the Martyrs, Inc., 1995. pp. 25-31)


There is another area of Billy Graham that we will only touch on. In one of Fritz's '92 newsletter, Billy Graham is quoted stating that he thought UFOs were angels of God. On either Jan. 28 or 29th (See Smyma, Feb. '93, p.3), Billy Graham was interviewed on television by David Frost. Billy Graham said he believed people in heaven are sent by God to other worlds to help them in redemption of life.

This is edging somewhat close to what the Mormons believe, that "Christians" (that is Mormons) will each receive their own planet to be god of. In another show, Graham said he wanted to evangelize other planets.

Fritz has repeatedly tried to warn Christians of the many demonic dangers associated with the entire UFO phenomena, and the Satanic Hierarchy's connection to UFOs. Billy Graham's idea that UFOs are good angels is a dangerous idea.

Billy Graham was given the contrived artificial image of being a great anti-Satanist. At the Chicago Crusade, 200 Satanists stood up in the crowds. Mayor Daily of Chicago then said from the stand, Billy we have 200 Satanists that want to disrupt your meeting shall I arrest them? What shall I do? And Billy said, No let's sing a song. The crowd sang a song and the Satanists left the stadium on their own. The whole affair was clearly staged and hokey, but Christians are very naive about Satanism and Billy Graham. This further confirmed to them that Billy Graham was a great anointed man of God.

First, hard core Satanists don't show their faces in public. Second, the Mayor of Chicago is not against the Satanists, he works with them, and there are reasons to suspect he is one. Third, Satanists, who do show themselves in public like Anton LaVey, want good publicity and would not carry out something like pretending to want to disrupt a Billy Graham crusade. Fourth, if a real threat had existed, Mayor Daily and the police wouldn't be asking Billy Graham what to do, they would be taking care of the problem. The police don't need to ask for permission to take care of troublemakers at the Crusade.

Christians accepted this episode at its face value. Those who did clearly show the common church goer's poor understanding of those who seek to control and destroy the church.

How Billy Graham Plays a Key Role in Reprogramming Monarch Slaves

Two different talkative Satanists told sources of mine about 2 different coven meetings here in Portland in the Summer of 1993 where the covens discussed the benefits that the Satanists were going to get from the Billy Graham Crusade. I know one of the benefits for the Satanists was that Monarch programees who had become Christians and had deactivated the effect of their mind-control programming were to be reprogrammed with Billy Graham' s help.

When Billy Graham arrived in town, someone on his Crusade staff had managed to find and send out invitations to many of the survivors of Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) in Portland to come to a special meeting to personally meet with Billy Graham. At this special meeting with SRA victims, Billy Graham personally began saying the buzz words to reactivate these people's programming, especially the Monarch survivors. (This comes from several witnesses.)

For a number of years now, the Billy Graham Crusade has been putting messages across the bottom of television screens that has activation codes for Monarch survivors. Those Monarch survivors who have become devote Christians to escape the nightmare of the Monarch mind-control are often not aware of the danger of watching the Billy Graham Crusade on television.

When people are activated, special people are in the area and they take the Monarch survivors to what are called Near Death Trauma Centers. These centers are used then to reprogram these poor people. There were five in this area, of which we located 2 and forced them to move their sites.

Religious fronts (denominations, individual churches and certain ministers) are used to hide criminal activity. Billy Graham, who is a programmed multiple himself, is exceptionally adept at managing his Monarch kittens. The drug money laundered through his crusades is carefully handled by many Monarch slaves working in shifts and teams, so that the whole scheme can not be uncovered by catching one person. Billy Graham runs big operations all over the world under the disguise of evangelism.

Another of the countless religious covers, that works with the Network's/Illuminati's drug activities involves the Mormon Bishop warehouses, which are used to store cocaine. Monarch slaves are involved with this. Different religious labels hide the same criminal Network. By the way, when giving the Patriarchal Blessing, the Mormon Patriarch if he has a Monarch slave will use hypnosis and triggers to convince the person what their future will be like. One can't say this is happening in every case, but it is very widespread for the Patriarch who give these blessings to be part of the Trauma-based mind-control operations.

Billy Graham also personally delivers messages to the Presidents for the Illuminati, such as when he arrived just prior to Bush's decision to launch Desert Storm. Sometimes the papers even spell out that Billy Graham serves as a message boy, for instance, when he delivered a message in April, 92 from the Pope to North Korea 's dictator Kim.


The following three books were very helpful to me in terms of documenting Billy Graham's activities. All three authors were interested in documenting what Billy Graham is really all about. It may sound strange that I say that, but sadly most of the books that touch on Billy Graham like America 's Hour of Decision Including a Life Story of Billy Graham are simply part of the deception process of the enemy. However, if anyone wants to know more about Billy Graham the following three books were very helpful for me to document Billy Graham's activities.

Billy Graham, A Parable of American Righteousness by Marshall Frady. Marshall Frady was a writer for Life and Newsweek. He has done an incredible amount of research into Billy Graham's life. He doesn't touch on the sinister side of Billy Graham, but by giving an honest report about Billy Graham he tears off the "Hollywood-type mask" so to speak that everyone has seen and believed. Marshall Frady simply wanted to tell the whole story of Billy Graham, good, bad or otherwise. He spent many hours interviewing Billy Graham and many other people involved in Billy Graham's life. When this book was read by a devout Christian, it totally devastated this person's media-built image of Billy Graham-- for instance, items like Billy Graham going to dinner with a prostitute and taking her home, Billy Graham walking past his wife and not recognizing her, & Billy Graham's New York Crusade refusing to allow street people into the crusade because they were dirty.

However, another Christian borrowed my copy of it, and said after looking at the book he didn't see anything wrong with Billy Graham in the book. But then he just read portions of the book. Still, unless one has spiritual discernment the book is probably not going to "blast a person out of the water," because it is a biography not an exposé. Until recently, this was the only really good biography that was available for Christians.

Many months before the Billy Graham 1993 Portland Crusade, the advertisements for the crusade and the crusade activity here in Portland began. Pilgrim Discount, which is one of the best Christian bookstores in the Portland area sells both used and new Christian books. They had a used copy of Billy Graham a Parable of American Righteousness. I watched for months to see if any Christians would buy the book. Tens of thousands of Christians got involved in the Billy Graham Crusade in the Portland area, but none had the interest to read the only biography of Billy Graham available.

Finally, just shortly before the Crusade, a teenage Christian from Washington who had been warned about Billy Graham and who was trying to keep from being forced to attend, bought the book on a trip from Washington . This incident shows what Americans know--and what they want to know about Billy Graham is shallow media-hype. A Christian radio show here had the author of Billy Graham A Prophet with Honor on to promote his book, which was done just when the Crusade was days away.

A Startling Exposure- Billy Graham and the Church of Rome by Ian R. K. Paisley. This is perhaps the best book as far as actual documentation. The book is probably rare, and not available. Ian R.K. Paisley has made it one of his projects of his life to expose Catholicism. Because Billy Graham works more with Catholics than Protestants Paisley as a concerned Christian obviously found himself learning about Billy Graham. Ian R.K. Paisley knows first hand how powerful Billy Graham and his establishment backers are. They have a colossal publication strength to discredit any critic of Billy Graham in whatever manner it takes -- even if it means outright lies and slander.

Billy Graham Reformer? Politician? Preacher? Prophet? A Chronological Record Compiled from Public Sources By the Church League of America 195 1-1982. This book is from Edgar Bundy Ministries. It is a collection of articles that have appeared in the public media on Billy Graham over a period of 31 years. Billy Graham is condemned by his own words and his own actions. If people only took a look at what Billy Graham is on public record saying it would startle them. Who is Billy Graham working for? Is he trying to build the Christian churches up, or is he trying to lay the foundation for a one-world religion? While some people may on first thought think that it is a great idea to have every one belong to the same religious structure, they need to reflect on the dangers inherent in one single religious body with all-encompassing power. The groundwork for such a dictatorial global religious body is already partially constructed, and is revealed in other writings of Fritz Springmeier.

How many people know that in 1955 and 1956 Billy Graham announced that he had a policy of sending people who come forward at his crusades to the church of their choice whether that church or synagogue is Catholic, Protestant or Jewish. For instance, the Protestant Church Life quotes Billy Graham in its 29 Sept 1956 issue, "Referring to the Billy Graham New York Crusade scheduled for May, 1957, Dr. Graham said: 'We're coming to New York not to clean it up, but to get people to dedicate themselves to God and to send them on to their own churches--Catholic, Protestant or Jewish."

There is one other book worth pointing out at this point. It was not a source book for my investigation, but I know the author, and the book came out recently, so it is likely still available. The book is The Assimilation of Evangelist Billy Graham into the Roman Catholic Church by Erwin Wilson. The address is Quebec Baptist Missions, Box 113 , Compton , Quebec , Canada , J0B 1L0.

It's s nice that men like Erwin Wilson are noticing Billy Graham's love affair with the Catholic Church. He picked up on Billy Graham's statement about the Pope, "Pope John Paul II has emerged as the greatest religious leader of the modern world and one of the greatest moral...leaders of this century." (The Saturday Evening Post, Feb, 1980.) However, several of these anti-Catholic ministries are rejecting the bigger picture. They have strongly resisted learning about mind-control and the exposure of the conspiracy in Be Wise As Serpents. Because of this, several of these Christian ministries to Catholics have lots of information about Billy Graham and his close workings with the Catholic Church, but little comprehension of how the Catholic Church fits into the bigger picture, and how the New World Order is actually coming about.

There has been widespread concern about Billy Graham among Christians. Because the controlled media don't report these concerns, people are not realizing the extent of the concerns which have been voiced. Even before the co-authors got involved in exposing the Illuminati and their control over religion and their plans for a New World Order, there has been a long history of concern by devout Christians over Billy Graham. There has been a growing dissatisfaction among conservative Christians towards Billy Graham.

The introduction to Erwin Wilson's book which is written by Dr. Bob Jones (Chancellor of Bob Jones University) provides an introduction to the concerns Christians have about the man who has been set up by the media and the money elite to be their greatest leader. We quote only a paragraph of what Dr. Bob Jones said, "Some of us who grieved over Graham's first downward steps toward compromise with apostasy and biblical unbelief knew that he was pursuing a direction from which there would be no turning back. While we grieved over him and prayed for him, we had to warn men against his ministry as we had warned Billy against his direction."

The first area is doctrinal concerns by devout Christians, who have been deceived that Billy Graham thinks as they do. Christians usually take for granted that Billy Graham is sound doctrinally. The following paragraph of beliefs of Billy Graham were documented in 1993 by Fritz Springmeier in his June '1993 newsletter, with its large document packet. Main line Christians would be shocked to find out what Billy Graham really believes and is on public record as supporting. This will help show non-Christians, who read this, that Billy Graham is not really the Christian he pretends to be. This is not to preach at non-Christian readers, for some of the non-Christian readers will agree with Billy Graham's stands. These views are written to show how a major Christian leader can have a false public image that has survived mainly because the full public record of Billy Graham's stands are keep low key. If we are big enough to look at the deceptions of our politicians and statesmen, we must be big enough to face the deceptions of our ministers.

Some of the areas that Billy Graham deviates from Scripture are as follows. He is on public record supporting homosexuality, abortion, his disbelief in a literal hell, his support and practice of infant baptism to save children, his support for the Catholic church's worship of Mary (yet he calls himself a Protestant). He has repeatedly praised infidels and apostates as great Christians. He actively supported the American government policy to fight the Vietnam War. He would not challenge the idea that the Bible is mythology, when directly questioned.

The deception doesn't stop with the Protestants, Catholic supporters have been kept in the dark about his abortion views. The deception goes way beyond Protestant, Catholic beliefs. As a programmed multiple who participates in Satanic Ritual, Billy Graham has deceived everyone.

The second area is concerns about his support for a One-World Church and a One-World-Government. This stems from l. Billy Graham 's public endorsements of the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches, 2. Billy Graham's consistent attendance at the World Council of Churches' meetings, 3. that Billy Graham has done more than anyone in the world to bring about the One-World-Harlot church, and he has done more than anyone to unite all the Christian groups into one organization, 4. Billy Graham's support of the Pope and the Catholic church which is the largest Christian religion and one of the pillars of the New Age One-World religious body being set up. 5. The support that the NCC and WCC gives him, 6. The support that the internationalists and globalists give Billy Graham.

Billy Graham was first asked to do his Portland Crusade in 1993 by the WCC/NCC representative in this area who is a homosexual, a New Ager, and leader of the ecumenical movement.

A third area is concern over the lack of depth that conversions at Billy Graham's crusades have. Some of the details on this are l. Only 2% of the people coming forward at a Crusade have never been Christians and are actually giving their life to Christ for the first time, and of these 80% fall away, 2. A great majority of people that come forward are sent to Catholic and extremely liberal Churches, extremely few are sent to solid Bible believing churches. In the Catholic Standard and Times, Thursday, July 16, 1992, p. 10, this Catholic paper reported that 1,900 Catholics responded to Billy Graham's call to make decisions for Christ in the Philadelphia Crusade and were referred to about 250 parishes. 3. People that come forward are sent even to Jewish synagogues and New Age churches., 4. Converts are given the impression that Christ wants decisions for him, rather than that Christ wants disciples. 5. The people attending the crusades are almost all Christians, due to the high numbers of Christian counselors and the high number of church people which are always intentionally bussed in, (Frady exposes this, and in 1992 a writer of the Williamette Week did a major story for the magazine detailing how she had searched the entire week at the Billy Graham Crusade for an unsaved person and failed to find a single non-Christian. There were a few, but so few she didn't find any. William ette Week, Oct. 1,1992 .) 6. Most decisions at the crusades are for trivial things such as to stop smoking.

Interestingly, Christians with discernment spoke about how hurting the churches were after the Billy Graham Crusade here in Portland . They had been made wild promises of success, they were fleeced of their money, and then given a lukewarm spiritual boost. Their comments reminded me of this warning to Billy Graham clear back in the 1950s as to how he was ruining the harvest field. Part of Satan's Planetary control is through religious leaders.

Christians have been conditioned to believe that Billy Graham is a great prophet of God by the establishment media, who have told us for years that Billy Graham was the most respected man in America . The percentages that the controlled Media have reported for Billy Graham's popularity may have been inflated. There are several studies that show how the establishment uses polls dishonestly to manipulate thinking. The establishment media is able to create ideas so firmly within the mind of the public that it becomes almost impossible to deprogram people. What people see on T.V. becomes what you believe. The T.V. image becomes real.

What actually happens at a crusade is far different from the media image. In Scotland for instance, a poll was taken of church membership one month before the Billy Graham Scotland Crusade, and two months after the Crusade. Church membership had actually declined substantially. So after spending millions of the Christians' dollars, Billy Graham had not even helped the church attendance of the Scottish churches. When Billy Graham holds his crusades, the churches in the area sponsor the crusade. In Poland , in a nation 95% catholic, the churches that sponsored his crusade in Warsaw were Catholic churches and when people went forward they were sent to Catholic churches. Yet, when the mass media report on Crusades, it is made to sound like thousands of people became new Christians.

Many of the devout Christians that have supported Billy Graham haven't thought through what is really going on at the crusades. They have been so caught up with the media image that they are not able to critically comprehend that the crusades are really major spiritual disasters. The book for counselors at the Billy Graham Crusade here in Portland specifically stated that only Billy Graham was allowed to proselytize, that the crusade counselors were forbidden to proselytize anyone at any time during the crusade, or else they would lose their Crusade badge as a counselor. (See these instructions in The Billy Graham Christian Life & Witness Course, Minneapolis, MN: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, p. 47, Instructions A.6.) But thousands of the Christians in Portland who became counselors for the '92 Crusade never gave it a second thought that only Billy Graham was allowed to proselytize, because they trusted Billy Graham.

Money that could have gone to helping victims of mind-control went toward superficial decisions for Christ. Money that could have gone to doing some serious damage to the evil, has gone for Madison avenue hype and for big shows. On top of this, the large sums that are spent on the Billy Graham Crusades serve as a cover for the Networks money laundering that they do through Graham's Crusade using a series of Monarch slaves in a complex series of money drop offs.

A fourth area is concern over his methodology. A body language expert says that Billy Graham's talks are simply canned. They are simply well-rehearsed canned-body movements and not coming from the heart. His crusade uses Madison-Avenue sales techniques instead of traditional scriptural methods to get converts. Billy Graham crusades always spend great sums of money for bill boards promoting Billy Graham and bumper stickers promoting Billy Graham, the end result is that Billy Graham's name is usually promoted millions of times more often than Jesus Christ. Christianity is consistently watered down and identified with the world and its ways. And a great deal of boasting is done about numbers of decisions instead of real meaningful discipleship.

A fifth area is concern over Billy Graham acceptance of Communism. Although many people feel communism is dead, this area is still relevant. If you think communism is dead go live in North Korea , where Billy Graham went in 1992 full of praise for North Korea . See Christianity Today, May 18, 1992 , p.55. (By the way, Billy Graham & family have sat on the board of Christianity Today, and still control it, so it wouldn't misquote him.) l. Billy Graham has repeatedly over international mass media claimed that there was no religious persecution under the communists, 2. Billy Graham has praised Mao-Tse-Tung's principles, 3. Graham has praised communist leaders on numerous occasions, 4. Dyed-in-the-wool communists who have been the ones giving orders to torture Christians for some reason feel comfortable spending time talking to Billy Graham.

The Actual Heritage and Name of Billy Graham

There is a connection between Marxism and a group of Satanists called Frankists. One of the strongest satanic cults to take control over the Jewish population was called Sabbatianism. Jakob Frank assumed the role of leader of this group, and afterward this brand of Satanism was called Frankism. (Freud's sexually-obsessed theories came from Frankism.) Frank taught his followers to convert to another religion and hide behind that religion to practice their Satanism. (One of several book on the subject of Frankism is The Contemporary Faces of Satan by Ratibor-Ray M. Jurjevich.)

Billy Graham's family when they originally came over to this nation were of the Frank family which is related to Jakob Frank. After coming over to this nation, they changed their name to Graham which is a Scottish name. Two groups of people who are over represented in the power structure over the last 200 years are Scots and cabalistic satanic "jews." Obviously, not all Scotsmen nor jews are involved in the NWO. Several other researchers independently discovered that Billy Graham's heritage was the jewish Frank family.

However, Fritz was beginning to suspect that there must be some kind of Jewish blood in Billy Graham's heritage, because of the all the things he would stumble upon. For instance, the intimate connections Graham had with Jewish leaders and Jewish Christian ministries. And his assurances to them that they are God's chosen people, a special group. Graham privately told them, that because they are a special chosen group they don't need to come to Christ. (Fritz discovered all this by accident reading Jewish literature.)

Further, the paper called "The C-9 Report For internal use only" states on page 11 that Billy Graham's daughters have lived in Israel , and that Billy Graham 's son fought with the Israeli army in the Six-Day War.

In the Be Wise As Serpents book, chapter 2.1, "The Jewish author Gerald S. Strober in his book American Jews Community in Crisis, p. 110 states that after a resolution in Feb. 1973 at Pittsburgh by the NCC failed to declare the NCC against converting the Jews, that Billy Graham announced the following day a statement that God had a special place for the Jews and rejected coercive evangelistic efforts."

Privately, Graham has assured Jewish leaders he is against converting the Jews to Christianity. Strober also informs his readers (p. 111) that many Christian organizations that are "Jewish Missions" take their marching orders from Billy Graham. This confirms numerous reports..." So Strober in effect is saying don't worry Graham is with us, and he controls most of the Christian organizations that are supposedly missions to evangelize us. Messianic Jewish groups are strongly pro-Billy Graham. Some of these groups have gained in size and then strangely gone back into Judaism. That kind of thing has been happening here in Portland , not to mention other localities. Now it is clearer why Jews coming forward at Crusades have often been and are being referred by the Crusade people to Reformed Jewish synagogues.

How Billy Graham is a 33° Mason

This is an important issue, however, even if Billy Graham were not a 33° Mason, there are many things that he is doing that should warn Christians not to support him. There have been a number of people in casual conversation who have mentioned Billy Graham being a 33° Mason, for instance a CIA leader, a NSA person who is against the NWO, and various Masons.

These accidental revelations are what can be considered casual evidence, in that it is accidentally heard. Some of the people who have read Fritz's Be Wise As Serpents book have been experiencing validation of what was written on Billy Graham by their own casual contacts with people. These types of encounters are very meaningful to the people who experience them, but their significance is hard to communicate to others.

Hopefully, readers of this, who are truth seekers, will have their own casual-evidence-validation experience. One piece of casual evidence came from a Shriner Clown. It turns out the only clowns who were chosen to perform for the Billy Graham 1993 Portland Crusade were Shriner Clowns. There were non-Masonic clowns available, even some Christian clowns, but the masons were the only ones Graham allowed to perform for him.

Various people, who have worked in the system for the Illuminati, such as an ex-witch who is now a Christian, an ex-33° Mason now a Christian, and a CFR's person also now a Christian, all testify that Billy Graham is a 33° Freemason. A woman and a man who are ex-Satanists and now Christians also have mentioned about Billy Graham's Masonic membership. (One has to understand that there is a close working relationship between the Lodge and the Illuminati.)

To progress up the ranks in Satanism, they will require you to go through Freemasonry. Freemasonry then teaches people about the symbology of the mystery religions. The lodges bring in female Monarch slaves for some of their Egyptian sexual-magic rituals. If the reader were to get up in the morning and your mother, sister, and brother were in the kitchen and said that your mother had just drank a cup of coffee, you would be able to tell from their faces if they were telling the truth, and you would know that your mother had drank a cup of coffee. This is the way it is for us. We know these witnesses know the truth, and we know they are not making it up. But if people don't believe that, then they need to go scrounge up their own witnesses, and risk their own hide in doing the contacting. The material we presented here is not frivolous work. As pearls of value, we hope that this research is not taken and allowed to become pearls given to swine.

Because Billy Graham is such a key person for the Illuminati and the Satanic plan to bring in the Anti-Christ and the One-World-Religion, key parts of Graham's life have been intentionally shrouded, When he joined the Masonic lodge c. 1948, they intentionally kept his membership more secret than others. Why? They are secret about their membership in general, but even more so if the person is a key Illuminatus and a big key to their religious control.

This is why they have kept the membership of Charles T. Russell, founder of the Watchtower Society quiet. This is why they keep the memberships of the Mormon prophets secret. It has been a consistent pattern by the Masonic Lodge to keep these key people's membership very quiet. It would be much easier if we had a membership certificate, but for people who don't want to believe no amount of evidence would suffice.

In terms of a paper trail we have the following: Billy Graham's books consistently refer to basically only Masons. Billy Graham endorsed the Masonic DeMolay program for youth as God's work. This endorsement by Billy Graham is in a Masonic book that is used to educate people about "the craft" (that means Freemasonry). That book is The Clergy and the Craft and it says that the people who are quoted in it are Masons. (See Haggard, Forrest D. Transactions Missouri Lodge of Research, Vol. No. 27, The Clergy and the Craft, p. 127. where Graham endorses the Masonic youth program.)

In terms of witnesses who have put what they have witnessed in writing we have the following: Jim Shaw, ex-33° Mason -- the highest ranking Freemason to defect to Christianity, writes about Billy Graham being at his 33° initiation ceremony. Huntington House refused to print his book co-authored with Tom McKenney unless they took out Billy Graham's name on pg. 104, and substituted a general description. (See The Deadly Deception, p. 104-105.) Only Freemasons are allowed to attend these initiations. (See The New Age, the official organ of The Supreme Council 33°. Wash. , D.C., October 1961, p. 30.) Some Christians have tried every thing in their mind to get around Jim Shaw's testimony. And the Masonic Lodge are now claiming that he wasn't a 33° Freemason. There is no doubt that he was a 33° Mason. What we are seeing is how important it is to the Illuminati to keep Billy Graham's membership secret.

Originally, Dr. Morey who wrote a book on Freemasonry told me over the phone that Billy Graham was a 33° Freemason and that he had held his membership file in his hand in the library of the House of the Temple , which is where the Supreme Council of the 33° has their headquarters. However, now he denies it and says that he only was told by the librarians that the file existed, but that he didn't examine the membership file. He wrote a letter to Christian News to the editor which was printed. At least, his letter to the editor of Christian News says that the Scottish Rite have a Billy Graham file. Fritz stands by his original statements about what Dr. Morey said, even though he has gone back on his original story and is getting people to think Fritz somehow invented what he told me.

There are a great many things that are suspicious about Dr. Morey. His book on Freemasonry claims that Freemasonry started out a Christian organization. His book was printed by a company that uses the Knights Templar logo as their company logo, and whose company head is most likely a Freemason. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck--what do you think it is? Long before I actually knew Billy Graham was a 33° Freemason, I felt that was the "most likely" explanation for what I was learning of him. What caused me to think that way? Everything about the man, just shouted Freemason. The way he talks, who he has as friends, etc. etc. This article is not capable of going into depth about small nuances and details, but suffice it to say that the Masons know how to broadcast to other Masons that they are a Mason.

It should be pointed out some of the key people for Billy Graham's staff have been Freemasons. Let's look at a few of the key people helping Billy Graham:

William M. Watson--DIRECTOR OF THE BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, he is a Freemason, and he is also President of Occidental Petroleum Corporation. Chairman of Occidental was Armand Hammer. Watson is also a member of the development council of the Masonic run Baylor University . Baylor University has participated in the mind-control, (See also the expose of Baylor University in Be Wise As Serpents.) He also was a member of the advisory council to the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth which had at least three Freemasons on its board of trustees, and likely more.

David M. McConnell--DIRECTOR OF THE BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, he is a Freemason, He was also U.S. ambassador to the United Nations (1968-69), business associate with Illuminatus Charles Gambrell, in Belk Stores of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Arthur Lee Malory--CO-CHAIRMAN of the BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE Advisory Committee for the 1973 St. Louis Crusade -- 32° Freemason, deacon in the So. Bapt. Church .

Who are some of the primary ministers that had worked with 33° Freemason Billy Graham over the years? Billy Graham has helped set up other 33° Masons in ministry. Billy Graham has placed his stamp of approval on almost every well-known apostate Christian out there. When Billy Graham had a crusade in Japan , the Japanese minister that he had up on the platform was a well-known extremely liberal Christian. A conservative Japanese was shocked. Billy Graham is also endorsing many of the books, and ministries of these apostates.

Some of the three biggest ministers in the protestant world, Robert Schuller, Norman Vincent Peale, and Oral Roberts are all 33° Masonic brothers of 33° Freemason Billy Graham. (See Roberts, Oral. Miracle of Seed Faith, p.9.) Billy Graham has helped each of these brothers with their ministries.

Robert Schuller taught principles of church growth to Unity School in Kansas City . A Christian, who used to be on staff there, said that Robert Schuller was fully aware that Luciferian Initiations were going on at the school and that he didn't care. Robert Schuller, 33° Freemason, was helped into ministry by Billy Graham. Schuller also participates in the Monarch program and is also sexually serviced by Monarch slaves. Norman Vincent Peale's form of Christianity called positive thinking is actually only white witchcraft with different names. Peale simply is a "Christian" witch.

Norman Vincent Peale, 33° Freemason, his church receive the bulk of people who came forward at the NY Crusade. Norman Vincent Peale is a 6° Illuminatus (Pilgrim Society), and a 33° Freemason. In the magazine Psychic Magazine of San Francisco Peale says of occultist Kreskin, All he's doing is dramatizing what I've been preaching in my writing for years. Norman Vincent Peale controls the approx. $200 million Presbyterian Minister's Fund. He celebrated the 25th anniversary of the United Nations. He was the keynote speaker at the birthday of the late Mormon prophet Spencer W. Kimball (a secret Mason). Peale praised Kimball as a true prophet of God, and a great man of God. Peale practices witchcraft, and palms it off on unsuspecting Christians under different terminology. The false unity movement which is so strong today, wants to unite the devout Christian with the likes of Norman Vincent Peale. Peale is a good friend of Billy Graham, and Billy Graham referred the largest number of new converts of the NY Billy Graham Crusade to Peale's church.

Oral Roberts, 33° Freemason, helped into ministry by his Masonic brother Billy Graham. Oral Roberts has been seen by witnesses participating in SRA and Mind-control. Oral Roberts University and the charismatic movement is another important religious front. The Charismatic movement has been infiltrated by multiples since day-one. The history of the infiltration is extensive. Oral Roberts had Cherokee blood. According to some things that Oral Roberts has said, some Christians think that he received his healing powers from an old Indian who healed him through Indian shamanism when Oral was young. At times, Oral does use the same methods that spirit mediums use to heal with. According to slaves who have been deprogrammed, they were in satanic rituals with Oral Roberts. Christian ministers, who have participated in his ministry are saying that they have seen massive swindle in his healing ministry. His university is being used as a programming center. His basketball team at one time had Monarch slaves playing on it. We do not know if they still do.

Under the prayer tower is one of the programming sites. Billy Graham, a handler himself, helped launch Oral Roberts University , and is a friend of Oral Roberts. From the Illuminati's point of view Tulsa is the Guardian City of Apollo. The City of Faith is to be the center for healing from AEsculapius, a demon related to Apollo.

While portraying themselves as Christians, infiltrators within the charismatic movement are carrying out satanic rituals to get demonic healing powers. Tulsa is one of, if the main center for the campaign to infiltrate Christianity via the Charismatic/Pentecostal movement with programmed multiples.

G. Bromiey Oxnam, 33° Freemason, was head of the FCC churches, supportive friend of Billy Graham, G. Bromley Oxnam has a long history to him of working for the elite, interested readers can pick up his story in Be Wise As Serpents in the chapter that goes into the details about how the Christian churches were organized by the FCC and WCC for the Illuminati.

The NWO is infiltrating the churches via the Earth Stewardship Movement. An attempt was made at Rio de Janeiro to get an Earth Charter but there wasn't enough time, their were lots of N.O.G. delegates and just in general lots of people to coordinate (4,000 attended). Another Earth Summit was promised, but instead they decided at the end of Sept/Oct of '95 to have a State of the World Forum to be held by/sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation at the Presidio, CA. The ex-head of the KGB, Gorbachev is now headquartered in the Presideo, a major mind-control programming site. Christian basher Ted Turner was the chairman of the conference. The cost was $5,000 per person and the invitations went out to only select people. There were 100 handpicked politicians who received invitations, along with Billy Graham and Mother Teresa. This was coordinated with the 50th anniversary of the UN which was being celebrated all over the world.


The charismatic movement claims to have the Holy Spirit in a special way, however, some seem to be lacking in all discernment that the Holy Spirit would give. There are several books exposing the big name Charismatic ministers. One is written by an ex-charismatic Assembly of God minister. He shows a picture in his book of an Assembly of God flier promoting the "Testimony of J. Edgar Hoover." Yes, the Assembly of God promoted the "testimony" of J. Edgar Hoover, while he was known to be a power hungry individual who practiced homosexuality. It was this type of hype that caused this minister to grow disillusioned with the charismatic movement's so called spirituality.

Recently, the spiritual discernment of Billy Graham and many other big time ministries was exposed when these big Christian ministries were conned out of $550 million dollars. Billy Graham introduced John G. Bennett to thousands of people at a recent Billy Graham Crusade in Philadelphia in 1992. John Bennett gave his testimony at the crusade. Because Billy Graham, John Templeton, and Laurance Rockefeller were apparently supportive of John G. Bennett, big time Christian ministries "trusted" him. John told many of the big Christian ministries that if they gave him millions of dollars, for every million he received he would give them two million back. Many of the big Christian ministries gave Bennett money--in fact he collected $550 million (which he ran off with) from ministries such as Pat Robertson's, Bill Bright's, Chuck Colson's, Luis Palau's, Westminster Theological Seminary, Wheaton College , the Salvation Army and many others.

The reader may have heard of this New Era Foundation scam. That's what it was. Bennett told these "Christian" leaders "Give New Era one million dollars and we'll give you back two million." The donations of hard earned money by many innocent Christian believers were lost. However, the Christian believers are partially responsible because the church has refused to clean house of wolves that set in their pulpits. For instance, when Billy Graham came to the Portland area all the various denominations from the most liberal to the most conservative supported him. Only about a dozen churches did not get involved and only one church actively tried to expose Billy Graham--even though there has been a mass of documentation exposing Billy Graham as a wolf for 30 years.

When the church refuses to follow God's Word and supports these men--then they must take some of the blame when these men give their millions of hard earned dollars away to a con artist.

Inadequate Reactions

When people have been warned about Billy Graham, one of the common responses is for people to call up the Billy Graham crusade staff. If I ask a biologist a question about biology I can expect to get a credible answer. If I ask a mother about her son I can expect to get a credible answer. But how in the world can someone call up the Billy Graham Crusade staff and expect to get a credible answer to the question "Is Billy Graham a Mason?" The person that answers the phone is likely a secretary, someone who knows Billy Graham no more than the janitor. What does that person know about the Freemasons?

Because the Freemasons are a secret society, in general, there are only two basic categories of people--people involved with Freemasonry, and they certainly know what's going on in it but they have taken blood oaths on penalty of death not to talk about it, and those who aren't involved with Freemasonry and don't know anything about it. There are only a few people who are not masons, who are informed about the Masons.

The answer of some secretary over the phone to the question, "Is Billy Graham a Freemason?" is of little value, because the secretary or other staff member has not had the opportunity to get reliable information. This is from the standpoint of getting a reliable witness, calling some secretary or staff member is simply not a credible response to all the documentation. No court would view a secretary of a large organization as an expert witness qualified to settle such a dispute.

The second catch is that such witnesses are not reasonably unbiased. It is expected that Billy Graham's staff would front for him any questions that could expose him to bad publicity. This last comment is not speculation. There is proof that Billy Graham's staff has consistently lied over the years to prevent negative publicity about Billy Graham.

When Richard Nixon met with his political buddies to decide who to have run with him, the person he asked first in the smoke-filled room was Billy Graham. I have read the account of this is more than one place, but I will quote Marshall Frady's description of when Billy Graham was asked who he thought should run with Nixon as Nixon's vice-presidential running mate. Billy Graham chose 33° Masonic brother (then only 32°) Mark Hatfield.

Here is Frady's description: "His assimilation into the Nixon presidency had already been well underway, in fact, at that convention in Miami when, after Nixon's nomination, Graham wound up sitting in Nixon's penthouse suite among the smoggy late-night deliberations over Nixon's vice-presidential selection: Graham himself, whatever initial uncertainty he might have felt to find himself in such a political locker-room session, soon pitched into the proceedings with his own effusive recommendation of Mark Hatfield: "He's a great Christian leader. He's almost a clergyman. He's been an educator, and he's taken a more liberal stand on most issues than you, and I think the ticket needs that kind of balance."

In 1992, Mark Hatfield, along with Prince Hall Freemason Jessie Jackson both were on television in July of last year defending Billy Graham's actions. Mark Hatfield, according to a deprogrammed slave has been a user of Monarch sexual slaves. NY's Union Seminary is controlled and funded by the Rockefellers. President of Union Seminary was Dr. Henry Van Dusen. Billy Graham made him a prominent person in his crusade and said he was a "classic example" of a mass evangelism conversion. If that is a good example of Graham's conversions, we Christians should shudder.

It is no coincidence that the Southern Baptists of which Billy Graham is a member, is controlled by the Freemasons. Brook Hays, Pres, of the So. Bapt. Convention was a high ranking Freemason as well as part of the CFR. None of the So. Bapt. Convention's Presidents have opposed Freemasonry. Pres. Bill Clinton, a slave handler, is a member of the Emmanuel Baptist Church which is a Southern Baptist Church in Little Rock , Ark. The late Bill Moyers who promoted the Mystery Religions was a Southern Baptist. Moyers went to the SW Baptist Theological Seminary, the same school run by one of Billy Graham's staff directors. John Buchanan is another Southern Baptist. John Buchanan went to a So. Bapt. Seminary, and then worked as a front man for People for the American Way started by Jewish Norman Lear, an anti-Christian. People might be shocked to learn of some of the New Age teachings and New Age teachers that have been allowed into the Southern Baptist churches. The Southern Baptist youth program is based on Masonic ideas and is very Masonic in its ritual.


The reader is thanked for wading through a lot of difficult material. The reader can see why Billy Graham may well be the greatest deception that has ever been successfully pulled off. But as Abraham Lincoln said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time." Ever since the early 1950s, there have been Christians exposing Billy Graham. But the control of the Christian media and the Christian seminaries is far more extensive than most people realize. The Be Wise As Serpents book diagrams out how the Christian religious denominations are being controlled, and how the Masons and Illuminati-connected administrators and trustees have control of most of the Seminaries. Billy Graham without a doubt works directly for the Satanic hierarchy. But a rational and fair appraisal of what the man is, and what damage he has done to Christianity will probably not be given much of a chance. Nobody, no matter who they are is going to fool Christ. There will be a real evaluation done on judgment day and when that day comes Christ said, "MANY WILL SAY TO ME IN THAT DAY, LORD, LORD, HAVE WE NOT PROPHESIED IN YOUR NAME, CAST OUT DEMONS IN YOUR NAME, AND DONE MANY WONDERS IN YOUR NAME? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!" Mt 7:22-23

Billy Graham
Biblical Discernment Ministries - Revised 8/99

General Teachings/Activities:

- Billy Graham (born in 1918) has Parkinson's disease, a progressive nervous disorder that has already made it impossible for him to drive a car or write by hand. Graham, an ordained Southern Baptist (SBC), heads a $100 million a year evangelistic empire, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) (Graham is now paid $101,250 per year with a $33,750 housing allowance.) The BGEA also operates a 1,500 acre training center, "The Cove," located in Asheville, North Carolina. The Cove was started in 1987 and includes an inn and a Cove camp for youths ages 9-15. Approximately 5-10,000 adults are trained there annually in Graham-style evangelism.

Graham's magazine, Decision, reaches 1.7 million people, his column appears in more than 100 newspapers, his radio program is on 700 stations worldwide, and several of his books have been best-sellers. (Angels, published in 1975, sold one million copies in just 90 days.) Graham has reportedly preached to over 200 million people and once claimed that precisely 2,874,082 of them have stepped forward to "accept Jesus Christ as personal Savior" (11/15/93, Time magazine).

Former President Bush called Graham "America's pastor." President Harry Truman called him a "counterfeit" and publicity seeker. Pat Boone considers him "the greatest man since Jesus." Still another [Bob Jones III] says Graham "has done more harm to the cause of Christ than any other living man." Who's correct? Read on and judge for yourself.

- In 1995, Billy Graham's prodigal son Franklin, was named first vice chairman and eventual successor to his father's crusade organization. Billy Graham will remain chairman and head preacher as long as he is able. Franklin wears jeans, boots, denim shirt, and leather jacket. He was a teen rebel who drank, smoked, fought, and led police on high-speed chases. He was kicked out of LeTourneau College. He will continue as director of Samaritan's Purse and World Medical Mission, both social gospel organizations.

Early in June 1996, Franklin Graham, interviewed on CNBC, declared, "Whether it's the Roman Catholic Church ... the Orthodox Church ...we'd all agree ... it's Jesus Christ who paid the penalty for sin." That statement was tragically deceptive. Could Franklin, like his father, be unaware that Catholicism and Orthodoxy, while using the same Biblical words as evangelicals, mean something else? Franklin Graham told the Indianapolis Star (6/3/99) that his father's longstanding ecumenical alliance with the Catholic Church and all other denominations, "was one of the smartest things his father ever did." The charismatic Charisma magazine in 10/95 contained a 7-page article on Franklin Graham. They quoted him as saying, "I thank God for the warmth I see within many of the charismatic churches -- their love for the Lord and love for the scriptures. ..." He also said, "Probably (Samaritan's Purse) largest base of support comes from the charismatic community." He has referred to "Mother" Teresa as an "example of the woman God uses" (4/1/99, Calvary Contender).

Franklin Graham is a chip off the old block, and you may be sure that he will compromise as much or more than his father. Look for little change from the current ecumenical stance of the BGEA once Franklin takes over full time -- or worse -- Franklin Graham does not use his father's word, "crusade," but uses the secular seeker-sensitive word "festival" for his meetings. His 5/99 "festival" at the University of Alabama drew 50,000. The 5/13/99 Alabama Baptist listed some Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) performers, and said "contemporary Christian artist Steven Curtis Chapman had the young people rocking and singing on the coliseum floor. ..." (Source: 6/15/99, Calvary Contender.)

- Norman Vincent Peale was the person who was not only responsible for bringing "Christian" psychology into the professing Church, but he also advocated such New Age and/or occult teachings as visualization, pantheism, human potential, positive confession, positive thinking, etc. Once on the Phil Donahue Show, Peale, a 33rd degree Mason, said, "It's not necessary to be born again. [ Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”. . . Jesus replied, “I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. So don’t be surprised when I say, ‘You must be born again.’ - John: 3: 3, 5-7] You have your way to God, I have mine. I found eternal peace in a Shinto shrine." (Shintoism is an ancient Oriental religion that fuses ancestor worship with mysticism.) He also denied the necessity of believing in the virgin birth. [To do so is to deny the deity of Christ]

Peale's false teachings apparently mattered little to Billy Graham. Bible for Today quoted Graham as saying in a speech at a National Council of Churches luncheon on 12/6/66: "I don't know anyone who has done more for the kingdom of God than Norman and Ruth Peale, or have meant any more in my life -- the encouragement they have given me" (Hayes Minnick, BFT Report #565, p. 28). (Maybe Billy meant to say that he could think of no one who had done more evil for the cause of Christ than the Peales?) Graham even once allowed Peale to give the benediction at one of his New York City rallies, and then sent the names of some 400 new "converts" to Peale's Marble Collegiate Church.

- One of Norman Vincent Peale's most "successful" proteges is Robert Schuller. Schuller teaches that there is no need for one to recognize his own personal sin, no need for repentance, and no need for the crucifixion of self. [ If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives. (1 John 1: 8-10)]

Concerning the latter point, Schuller teaches just the opposite philosophy -- that self is to be exalted -- which is nothing less than an outright denial of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (See Self-Esteem: The New Reformation, wherein Schuller says, "Jesus knew His worth; His success fed His self-esteem. He suffered the cross to sanctify His self-esteem and He bore the cross to sanctify your self-esteem. The cross will sanctify the ego trip" [ ! ] [ Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross! - Philippians 2:3-8].)

Yet, Graham endorses this apostate as well, saying: "Robert Schuller is a great man of God, whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop and loose" (cf. John the Baptist's statement when speaking of Jesus in John 1:27!).

Graham is also the one who advised Schuller, back in 1969, to start his "Hour of Power" television show. In 1972, Graham made Schuller a leader in his Anaheim Crusade, saying, "There is no one in all the world I love in Christ more than I do Bob Schuller. ... He has done some of the greatest things for the Kingdom of God of any man in our generation" (David Beale, S.B.C. House on the Sand, p. 144). Graham made a personal appearance on Schuller's 1000th anniversary program (aired 4/2/89), relating how he had encouraged Schuller 20 years earlier when he said, "Bob, why don't you think of telecasting your services." [Graham spoke at Robert Schuller's Crystal Cathedral in 1985, and the two men came up with a joint definition of "born again" as "a decision to stop carrying your own luggage" (Paul Harvey's report, 7/15/85).] [Link here to read topic Holy Spirit: Born Again on this site to find out what the Bible says]

- Cooperation with a Graham crusade will automatically necessitate fellowship with those who have denied the cardinal doctrines of the faith. For example, Graham not only has influential unbelievers on his crusade platforms, but has also had, on a regular basis since at least 1972, Catholic counselors counsel with new Roman Catholic "converts," referring these new converts back to their own Catholic churches for follow-up. In fact, Graham won't even hold a crusade in a city unless he is assured of wide denominational support (i.e., ecumenical backing). The issue then is more than the authenticity of Billy Graham's Christianity, but is instead the fact that any involvement whatsoever with Graham and/or his organization means "association for religious purposes with people who hold to another gospel: in some cases a Roman Catholic gospel, in others a modernistic gospel," and in others still, no gospel at all (R.J. Sheehan, C.H. Spurgeon and the Modern Church, pp.97-98). [Graham's habit of referring back to the Catholic Church can even be documented as far back as 1957! In a 9/21/57 interview with the San Francisco News, Graham said, "Anyone who makes a decision at our meetings is seen later and referred to a local clergyman, Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish." (More recently, Graham's 1994 Crusades in Minneapolis and Cleveland: 6,000 respondents at each Crusade referred back to the Catholic Church; Graham's 9/96 Charlotte, NC Crusade: 1,700 respondents referred back to the Catholic Church)]

[Link here to read Catholic Testimonies: Catholicism to Christ on this site ]

Over the years, Catholic leaders have learned they have nothing to fear from Billy Graham crusades. They use the Graham crusades to retrieve non-practicing Catholics and even to gain proselytes to Romanism. Graham's call to "receive Christ," or "make the step of faith," or "come to Christ tonight," is general enough to allow Catholic leaders to insert their sacramental gospel into it. And the fact that Graham is working with the Catholic churches and never sounds any warnings about Romanism gives people the idea that he accepts their theology. Catholic priests simply teach the inquirers that they are born again at baptism and repeatedly renewed in Christ through all sorts of religious activities -- the mass, family duties, the rosary, even coming forward at evangelistic rallies [This is not correct according to the Bible!] (Wilson Ewin, The Assimilation of Evangelist Billy Graham Into the Roman Catholic Church, pp. 38-39):

"For some unexplainable or even mysterious reason, Billy Graham is unable to discern the theological, moral, and spiritual soul of Roman Catholicism. Likewise, he has failed to grasp, or worse still, has chosen to ignore the historical character of the entire Vatican system. Instead, he has chosen to become attracted, impressed, and finally to honor and follow the Holy See. The result has been a tragic failure on his part to understand the difference between the truth of God's Word and the utter blackness of Roman Catholicism" [Graham understands. He has chosen to mislead people!] (Ewin, p. 22).

["Early on in my life, I didn't know much about Catholics. But through the years I have made many friends within the Roman Catholic church. In fact, when we hold a crusade in a city now, nearly all the Roman Catholic churches support it. And when we went to Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn., for the crusade [last year], we saw St. Paul, which is largely Catholic, and Minneapolis, which is largely Lutheran, both supporting the crusade. That wouldn't have happened 25 years ago" (Billy Graham interview with Promise Keepers New Man magazine, March-April 1997).]

- The Billy Graham Crusade held 9/92 in the Portland, Oregon area is an excellent example of Graham's compromise with Rome. The Catholic Sentinel of Oregon (April 24, 1992) contained an article entitled "Counselors Recruited For Billy Graham Crusade." The Sentinel reported that 10,000 counselors were expected to attend the necessary classes, and the Roman Catholic churches had set a goal to supply 6,000 of these. The article also stated, (regarding the "decision makers"): "Those who have been baptized Catholic or express a Catholic preference will be directed to local parishes that are part of the Crusade."

Fellowship with the Catholic Church was not the only worldliness at the Crusade. The 9/13/92 Oregonian said: "Over 7,000 young Christians plugged into their source at the Graham Crusade's Power Surge youth rally Saturday night in the Portland Memorial Coliseum. With the amplifiers turned up, and the lights turned down, the young T-shirt-and-jeans crowd rocked the rafters with songs of praise, lifted up on a pulsating rock beat."

After the Crusade was over, the 9/25/92 Catholic Sentinel had these words of favor for Graham:

"Graham's message is for people to return to God and their churches. ... Graham offered special praise for the Catholic Church, saying, 'We're delighted that the Roman Catholic Church now cooperates with us wherever we go ...'"

- Graham even finds it difficult to take a truly Christian position on moral issues. When in Portland for the aforementioned 9/92 Crusade, Graham had the unique opportunity to declare that homosexuality is sin. He was asked about his position on Oregon's upcoming (11/92) statewide referendum that would declare homosexuality abnormal, and would thereby prohibit government support of it. Rather than giving a clear answer from the Bible, Graham played the politician:

"I find it is emotional, with strong arguments on both sides of the issue. I intend to stay out of national and local politics while here. God loves all people whatever their ethnic or political background or their social orientation. [Yes God loves all people but he hates sin and one must repent of their sins and turn away from repeating them, if they they want the forgiveness of God that leads to eternal life] ... Christians take opposing views on many issues ... those on both sides of the issue must love each other. ... I never speak against other groups" (9/22/92, The Statesman Journal).

On the 12/22/94 Larry King Live Show, Graham also said that he believed that homosexuals are born with a tendency toward homosexuality; i.e., in the genes.

Concerning the issue of abortion, a year earlier on ABC's "Good Morning America" (GMA) (9/5/91), Graham, when asked the Christian position on abortion, said: "... there is a Christian position, I think. But I'm not prepared to say what it is." And, again two weeks later on GMA (9/19/91), Graham said: "But there are occasions when abortion is the only alternative" (although he didn't say when it is okay to snuff out innocent, unborn human life). (Reported in the 2/22/93, Christian News.)

In an interview in TV Guide (8/6/94), Graham says, when asked about the issues of abortion and homosexuality:

"I don't get involved in the abortion thing. I agree with the Pope, whom I know well, on abortion. But I just don't take extreme positions. I preach to unite people. There is a great division in the religious community today. God loves homosexual as much as anyone else. [True] I think homosexuality is a sin, but no greater than idolatry and adultery. In my judgment, it's not that big."

[But this is what the Bible says on this subject : The Son of Man [Jesus]will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil . Matthew 13: 41
1 Corinthians 6: 9-10  Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. This is the horrendous danger of false prophets. They will try to get you to believe a lie that will lead you to eternal damnation and forever separation from God ! ]

  - In 1948, Billy Graham was asked: "What do you expect the World Council of Churches (WCC) to do this August when they visit Copenhagen?" He replied: "I believe they are going to nominate the Antichrist! " As early as 1966, however, Graham boasted that he attended the WCC assembly in New Delhi in 1961, and he hoped he would attend the 4th assembly in Uppsala, Sweden in 1968 (which he did). He has attended all but two WCC General Assemblies since!

Graham's collaboration with apostate ecumenical leaders (such as with those in the WCC), his refusal to expose the unscriptural position upon which their search for "Christian unity" is based, and his willingness to cooperate with apostate religious leaders, was demonstrated once again in his reported cordial visit with Konrad Raiser, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches. The EPS report said, "Raiser reported that he and Graham had a friendly, informal and wide-ranging conversation. Graham recalled his attendance at the earlier WCC general assemblies and talked about many of his current activities, Raiser said. An assistant to Graham later expressed hope that WCC efforts to develop ties with Graham and other evangelicals would continue, Raised said, and reported that he had invited Graham to visit WCC headquarters in Geneva whenever he could do so."

- The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association held its North American Conference for Itinerant Evangelists in Louisville, Kentucky 6/28/94-7/1/94. It included the participation of more than 40 denominations and organizations as Graham predicted that "a new generation of evangelists is on the horizon." This conference followed the pattern of previous conferences -- it gave a great boost to WCC-NCC denominations, the charismatic movement, and the Roman Catholic Church. In the waning years of his ministry, Graham is giving great emphasis to training the future generation of evangelists to disobey God's Word when it comes to working with those who preach a false gospel .(Original source: Sept/Oct 1993, Foundation magazine.)

- In 1952, and again in 1958, Billy Graham made sound statements concerning the separation from those who teach false doctrine. For example, in 1952 he wrote to Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.: "We have never had a man on our [crusade] committee that denied the virgin birth, the vicarious atonement, or the bodily resurrection." In 1958, Graham stated in Eternity magazine: "If a man blatantly denies the deity of Christ or that Christ has come in the flesh, we are not to even bid him Godspeed. Thus, the Scriptures teach that we are to be separated from those who deny the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. ... I am to treat him as an Antichrist and an enemy of the cross." Yet, as early as 1963, Graham had United Methodist Bishop, Gerald B. Kennedy, as his Los Angeles Crusade Chairman. Kennedy wrote in one of his books (God's Good News, p. 125): "I believe that the testimony of the New Testament taken as a whole is against the doctrine of the deity of Jesus. ..." Yet Graham said of Kennedy in 1963, "Bishop Kennedy is one of the ten greatest Christian preachers in America."

[This is what the Bible says:
1 John 2: 18-25
Warning Against Antichrists

Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. They went out from us [out from the church], but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.
But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie comes from the truth. Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist—he denies the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.
See that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. And this is what he promised us—even eternal life.

2 John 1: 7-11
Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house or welcome him. Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work.]

- Perhaps most dramatic is Graham's change regarding false religions. In 1948, he said: "The three gravest menaces faced by Orthodox Christianity are Communism, Roman Catholicism, and Mohammedanism." By 1973, however, Graham had changed his tune. He said that Communist Mao Tse-Tung's "eight precepts are basically the same as the Ten Commandments," he praised the Roman Catholic mass as a "very beautiful thing" (see later item), and said Mohammed Ali's beliefs in Islam "are something we all could believe."

Even earlier, in 1966, Graham said, "I find myself closer to Catholics than the radical Protestants. I think the Roman Catholic Church today is going through a second Reformation" (5/24/66, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin). According to Graham, this "Reformation" must have been completed by 1978, when he said, "I found that my beliefs are essentially the same as those of orthodox Catholics. We only differ on some matters of later church tradition. I find that my beliefs are essentially the same as those of orthodox Roman Catholics" (1/78, McCall's Magazine).

- Graham's gospel and Roman Catholicism's gospel are, in reality, no different. In 1978, McCall's Magazine reported Dr. Graham's "updated" understanding of the way of salvation:

"I used to think that pagans in far-off countries were lost -- were going to hell -- if they did not have the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached to them. I no longer believe that. ... I believe there are other ways of recognizing the existence of God -- through nature, for instance -- and plenty of other opportunities, therefore, of saying yes to God."

[Link here to read topic Jesus : The One Mediator, No Other Name, Only in Christ, the Gate, the Door, the Way, Old Testament scriptures on this site]
This, of course, is a false gospel (cf. Jn. 14:6) -- and one that condemns the one who preaches it (cf. Jn. 14:6; Gal. 1:8,9)! [It's difficult to know what Graham really believes about hell. One thing for sure, to Graham it's not literal: "The only thing I could say for sure is that hell means separation from God. We are separated from His light, from His fellowship. That is going to hell. When it comes to a literal fire, I don't preach it because I'm not sure about it. When the Scripture uses fire concerning hell, that is possibly an illustration of how terrible it's going to be -- not fire but something worse, a thirst for God that cannot be quenched." (11/15/93, Time magazine).

- In 1985, Graham affirmed his belief that those outside of Christ might be saved. Los Angeles reporter David Colker asked Graham: "What about people of other faiths who live good lives but don't profess a belief in Christ?" Graham replied, "I'm going to leave that to the Lord. He'll decide that" (Los Angeles Herald Examiner, 7/22/85). While this answer might appear reasonable to those who do not know the Bible, in reality it is a great compromise of the truth. God has already decided what will happen to those who die outside of faith in Jesus Christ. The book of Ephesians describes the condition of such as "children of wrath" (Ephesians 2:3) and "having no hope, and without God in the world" (Eph. 2:12). That is why Christ must be preached. Men without a saving knowledge of Christ are condemned already (16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. - John 3:16-18). There is no mystery or question about this matter, because the Bible has plainly spoken.

In 1993, Graham repeated this philosophy in an interview with David Frost:

"And I think there is that hunger for God and people are living as best they know how according to the light that they have. Well, I think they're in a separate category than people like Hitler and people who have just defied God, and shaken their fists at God. ... I would say that God, being a God of mercy, we have to rest it right there, and say that God is a God of mercy and love, and how it happens, we don't know" (The Charlotte Observer, 2/16/93). [As reported in Evangelicals and Rome, by David Cloud.]

- In 1948, Graham called Roman Catholics "one of the three gravest menaces facing orthodox Christianity." Today, he works arm in arm with them, having become an all-out supporter. He has received numerous Catholic awards, and is one of Pope John Paul II's greatest admirers and boosters, as evidenced by his full support of a 1989 Charismatic plan to award the Pope the "Prince of Peace Prize" (which the Pope subsequently turned down), and by his having referred to the Pope as, "the greatest religious leader of the modern world," and as a "statesman, a pastor, and an evangelist." Here is a brief history of Graham's papal overtures:

1963: Upon the death of Pope John XXIII, Graham said from Bonn, Germany, "I admired Pope John tremendously ... I felt he brought a new era to the world. It is my hope that the Cardinals elect a new Pope who will follow the same line as John. It would be a great tragedy if they chose a man who reacted against John" (2/2/63, Michigan City News-Dispatch; 6/8/63, Chicago Tribune).

1973: Graham recommended Roman Catholic literature in the ecumenical Key '73 meetings held across North America; he especially recommended a biography of the Pope John XXIII containing hundreds of pages of devotion to Mary and the Saints, worship of the host (wafer) at the Mass, and his [the Pope's] trust in the sacraments as the means of salvation. Graham advertised this book as "a classic in devotion" (2/86, The Gospel Standard; Key '73: Congregational Resource Book).

[ "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name [Jesus] under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”- Acts 4:12  For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.1 Thessalonians 5:9 ]

1979: Billy Graham appeared on the Phil Donahue show on 10/11, and in discussing Pope John Paul II's visit to the U.S.A., said: "I think the American people are looking for a leader, a moral and spiritual leader that believes something. And the Pope does. ... Thank God, I've got somebody to quote now with some real authority."

Graham said elsewhere: "The visit of Pope John Paul II to the United States is an event of great significance not only for Roman Catholics, but for all Americans -- as well as the world ... In the short time he has been the Pope, John Paul II has become the moral leader of the world. My prayers and the prayers of countless other Protestants will be with him as he makes his journey (9/27/79, Religious New Service dispatch; quoted in New Neutralism II, p. 40). (Emphasis added.) He also said that John Paul II, "is almost an evangelist because he calls to people to turn to Christ, to turn to Christianity" (The Star, June 26, 1979; reprinted in the Australian Beacon, August 1979, p. 1).

1980: "Since his election, Pope John Paul II has emerged as the greatest religious leader of the modern world, and one of the greatest moral and spiritual leaders of this century ... The Pope came [to America] as a statesman and a pastor, but I believe he also sees himself coming as an evangelist. ... The Pope sought to speak to the spiritual hunger of our age in the same way Christians throughout the centuries have spoken to the spiritual yearnings of every age -- by pointing people to Christ" (Saturday Evening Post, Jan.-Feb. 1980). [In this same article, Graham was quoted as saying, "Recently I learned the word 'Pontiff' comes from the Latin words which originally meant 'bridge builder.' ... Pope John Paul II [is] indeed a bridge builder, and that is something our divided world desperately needs." Historically, "pontiff" does not mean bridge-builder, but refers to the papal title of Pontifex Maximus, which was handed down to the early popes from the high priests of ancient heathen religion in the Roman Empire; "Pontiff" in Italian and Latin means "bridge," and clearly points to the Pope's blasphemous claim that he himself is that bridge between man and God.]

[Link here to read topic Jesus : The One Mediator, No Other Name, Only in Christ, the Gate, the Door, the Way, Old Testament scriptures on this site]

1981: Graham met with Pope John Paul II on 1/13 and was reported in the Religious News Service as saying, "We had a spiritual time," and that the intense conversations lasting about two hours were "very private, intimate conversation. He [the Pope] was extremely warm and interested in our work" (2/6/81 and 7/17/81, Christianity Today).
1984: On coming to Vancouver less than a month after the Pope had been there, Graham commented on the Pope's message: "I'll tell you, that was just about as straight an evangelical address as I've ever heard. It was tremendous. Of course, I'm a great admirer of his. He gives moral guidance in a world that seems to have lost its way" (Foundation, Vol. V, Iss. 5, 1984).

1989: Graham spoke about a meeting with Pope John Paul II: "There was a pause in the conversation; suddenly the Pope's arm shot out and he grabbed the lapels of my coat, he pulled me forward within inches of his own face. He fixed his eyes on me and said, 'Listen Graham, we are brothers'" (6/8/89, Today). Graham said that that was a great happening in his life.

1990: After meeting with the Pope, Graham said that it is particularly evident in the Pope's speeches that his attitudes and decisions, "are based on his great personal spiritual life. ... he bases his work and messages and vision on biblical principles" (Ewin, The Assimilation of Evangelist Billy Graham Into the Roman Catholic Church, 1992, p. N).

1993: At a 7/12 interview by Joan Lunden on ABC-TV's "Good Morning America," Graham said: "I'm delighted the Pope is coming [to Denver for a Catholic youth conference] ... I admire the Pope even though I don't agree with him on everything ..." [The Pope in talks this year insists that he is the infallible "Vicar of Christ." How can anyone who proclaims the one and only true Gospel ever be "delighted" that a counterfeit christ would come with a false gospel to beguile thousands of youth?]

- On 4/21/72, Graham received the Catholic International Franciscan Award for "his contribution to true ecumenism" and "his sincere and authentic ecumenism" (4/22/72, Minneapolis Star). In acknowledging the award, Graham said, "While I am not worthy to touch the shoe laces of St. Francis, yet this same Christ that called Francis in the 13th century also called me to be one of his servants in the 20th century" (2/86, The Gospel Standard).

- Graham was instrumental in paving the way for Vatican ties with President Reagan's decision to appoint an ambassador to the Vatican (Charisma, May, 1984, pp. 101-102). The President asked Graham to help the national security adviser, William P. Clark, to gather responses for establishing formal diplomatic relations with the Holy See. The Christian "leaders" contacted by Graham were Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Billy Melvin (Executive Secretary of the NAE), David Hubbard (then president of Fuller Seminary), and Gilbert Beers (then editor of Christianity Today). A letter to Dr. Graham sent to Mr. Clark was also obtained and quoted Graham as saying, "If anyone can do it and get away with it, it is Mr. Reagan ..."

- On 12/9/79, popular Catholic Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen died. Sheen was a Catholic traditionalist who upheld Rome's dogmas. He was a staunch enemy of the New Testament faith. Yet, Graham called Sheen's death:

"a great loss to the nation and both the Catholic and Protestant churches. He broke down walls of prejudice between Catholics and Protestants. ... I mourn his death and look forward to our reunion in heaven" (12/22/79 ,EP News Service).

But Sheen's hope was in Mary, not in Christ's completed atonement. Unless he repented and turned wholly to Christ on his deathbed, there is no reason to believe Sheen will be in heaven (David Cloud, Flirting With Rome, Vol. I: Billy Graham, p. 31). [Of course, why not Fulton Sheen in heaven if Elvis is going to be there? -- In an article in the 4/16/92 issue of USA Today, Graham stated that he "expects to spend eternity with God, the great, and the good -- including Elvis Presley." ]

- Graham once said: "It is my opinion that we ought not to contrast the 'nurture of grace' and the 'grace of conversion' as many have tried to do. I am convinced that there are both, and happy is the man who by the nurture of grace is brought to the grace of conversion." Anyone familiar with Roman Catholicism knows that their "nurture of grace" refers to the grace of the seven sacraments. Thus, Graham has both learned and accepted Rome's sacramental grace!

We should not be surprised, then, to learn that Graham also holds to Rome's false gospel of baptismal regeneration! The following quote is from an article written in October of 1961 after Graham gave an interview to Lutheran clergyman Wilfred Bockelman, who was then the associate editor of The Lutheran Standard: (Emphasis added.)

"I do believe that something happens at the baptism of an infant, particularly if the parents are Christians and teach their children Christian truths from childhood. We cannot fully understand the mysteries of God, but I believe a miracle can happen in these children so that they are regenerated, that is, made Christians through infant baptism. If you want to call that baptismal regeneration, that's all right with me" (10/10/61, The Lutheran Standard).

Bockelman said, "One would assume that, as a Baptist, Dr. Graham would be opposed to infant baptism." Bockelman not only found this not to be the case, but that Graham's wife, Ruth, and all their children but the youngest, were baptized as infants. (Reported in the Summer 1991 Dorea, pp. 9-10.)

- Graham has said that the virgin birth of Christ is NOT an essential part of the Christian faith. In an interview with a United Church of Canada publication in 1966 ("Billy Graham Answers 26 Provocative Questions," United Church Observer, July 1, 1966), Graham gave the following reply to a question about the virgin birth of Christ:

Q. Do you think a literal belief in the Virgin birth -- not just as a symbol of the incarnation or of Christ's divinity -- as an historic event is necessary for personal salvation?

A. While I most certainly believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, I do not find anywhere in the New Testament that this particular belief is necessary for personal salvation.

In his zeal to appease the apostates in the United Church of Christ (its current moderator, Bill Phipps, denies that Jesus Christ is God), Graham tells an absolute lie. How would it be possible for a saved person to deny the virgin birth of Jesus Christ? If Jesus Christ were not virgin born, He was a sinner; and if He were a sinner, He could not have died for our sins. Further, if Christ were a sinner, and if He were not virgin born, He was a liar for making such claims and the Bible that records those claims is a blatant and wicked lie, and the Bible-believing Christian is a deceived and foolish person whose faith has no authoritative foundation. Therefore, apart from the virgin birth, there is no Gospel and no Salvation and no authoritative Bible. The virgin birth of Christ is "fatal" doctrine, meaning it is crucial for salvation. The entire Gospel stands or falls on the virgin birth (Evangelicals and Rome, by David Cloud).

- A recent interview on CNN's "Larry King Live" television broadcast once again reveals just how far Graham has fallen from the orthodox teaching of Scripture. King interviewed Graham for a full hour on Christmas Day, 1998. During the course of the interview, King questioned Graham about the afterlife soon after Graham had mentioned he was not afraid to die since he knew he would be with God (italics added):

GRAHAM: I'll know Him. He'll know me. He will receive me. I believe the moment that I die, an angel comes and takes my hand and leads me into His presence.

KING: In your body or through a soul?

GRAHAM: Both -- maybe both, because we have been resurrected. Remember, this body's coming back together again. Nothing ever disappears ...

KING: All right. You'll meet Jesus and then what will it be like? What will paradise be like?

GRAHAM: It's going to be like paradise. It'll be the -- everything that you ever wanted for happiness will be there. People say that the Bible teaches there's no sex in Heaven. If sex is necessary for our happiness and fulfillment, it'll be there. And then, if certain other things that we think are pleasurable will -- it'll be there.

Once again, Graham's theology is completely contrary to Scripture. God's Word never teaches that whatever is necessary for physical human happiness will be the believer's lot in heaven. On the contrary, the believer will rejoice in praising God and fulfilling His will, not the desired will of the individual. The believer's physical body, while on the earth, is still wrestling with the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life that are certainly pleasurable to the earthly saint. But heaven will be a place where the believer will fulfill the will of the Savior and honor and glorify Him throughout all eternity. To give the impression that heaven will be a type of hedonistic paradise is dangerous, false theology. (Excerpted and/or adapted from the Jan-Feb 1999, Foundation magazine.)

- Graham also believes that men can be saved apart from the Name of Christ. (Source: 5/31/98 television interview with Robert Schuller, as reported in the May-June 1997, Foundation magazine.):

SCHULLER: Tell me, what do you think is the future of Christianity?

GRAHAM: Well, Christianity and being a true believer -- you know, I think there's the Body of Christ. This comes from all the Christian groups around the world, outside the Christian groups. I think everybody that loves Christ, or knows Christ, whether they're conscious of it or not, they're members of the Body of Christ. [How can anyone love Christ or know Christ and not be conscious of it (Rom. 8:9,16; 10:14; 1 John 3:24; 4:13; John 3:18)?] And I don't think that we're going to see a great sweeping revival that will turn the whole world to Christ at any time. I think James answered that -- the Apostle James in the first council in Jerusalem, when he said that God's purpose for this age is to call out a people for His name. And that's what God is doing today, He's calling people out of the world for His name, whether they come from the Muslim world, or the Buddhist world, or the Christian world, or the non-believing world, they are members of the Body of Christ because they've been called by God. They may not even know the name of Jesus [How can this be? (cf. Acts 4:12; Rom 10:13)], but they know in their hearts that they need something that they don't have, and they turn to the only light that they have, and I think that they are saved, and that they're going to be with us in heaven.

SCHULLER: Well, what I hear you saying, that it's possible for Jesus Christ to come into human hearts and soul and life, even if they've been born in darkness and have never had exposure to the Bible. Is that a correct interpretation of what you're saying?

GRAHAM: Yes, it is, because I believe that. I've met people in various parts of the world in tribal situations, that they have never seen a Bible or heard about a Bible, and never heard of Jesus, but they've believed in their hearts that there was a God, and they've tried to live a life that was quite apart from the surrounding community in which they lived.

SCHULLER: [R.S. trips over his tongue for a moment, his face beaming, then says] This is fantastic! I'm so thrilled to hear you say that! There's a wideness in God's mercy!

GRAHAM: There is. There definitely is.

What Graham is actually saying here is: "Sinners can be saved by their good works and that a personal relationship to Jesus Christ by being born again is NOT necessary to salvation." This statement also directly agrees with the Roman Catholic universal catechism, page 224; para. 847:

"Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience, those too may achieve eternal salvation."

Thus, Roman Catholicism, and Billy Graham, have said that even if you never hear about Christ, you can still be saved by being the best person you can be. This directly contradicts Acts 4:12 which says, "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Jesus, Himself left no doubt: "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6)

- Graham refuses to defend the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Newsweek magazine, April 26, 1982, examined the debate on the issue of Biblical infallibility. The article noted that Billy Graham is not on the side of inerrancy:

"Billy Graham, for one, clearly is not. 'I believe the Bible is the inspired, authoritative word of God,' Graham says, 'but I don't use the word "inerrant" because it's become a brittle divisive word.'"

Graham avoids controversy at any cost. He knows that Modernists and unbelieving Evangelicals are willing to call the Bible "authoritative and inspired" even while denying that it is the infallible and inerrant Word of God. Graham aligns himself with this unbelieving camp. If the Bible is not the inerrant Word of God, who can dogmatically determine which part is and which part is not inerrant? If the Bible is not inerrant, it is not authoritative (Source: Evangelicals and Rome, by David Cloud).

- Never mind that the Catholic sacrament of the Mass is the greatest attack ever on the finished work of Christ (cf. Heb. 10:19-22), Graham thinks the Mass is not only beautiful, but that it is clear in the gospel!:

"This past week I preached in the great Catholic cathedral a funeral sermon for a close friend of mine who was a Catholic, and they had several Bishops and Archbishops to participate. And as I sat there going through the funeral Mass, that was a very beautiful thing, and certainly straight and clear in the gospel. There was a wonderful little priest that would tell me when to stand and when to kneel and what to do" (O Timothy, Vol. 10, Issue 9, 1993, pp. 16-17).

There you have it. Billy Graham kneeling and worshiping the Mass wafer! It evidently matters not to Graham that the Mass destroys the Biblical teaching of Christ's atonement, and thereby, the very Gospel itself.

- In an interview with the Bookstore Journal, Graham again states quite clearly his position on ecumenism, and shows just how far he is willing to twist Scripture in order to support it:

"Another significant thing happened in the early '50s in Boston. [Catholic] Cardinal Cushing ... put 'Bravo Billy' on the front cover [of his magazine]. That made news all over the country. He and I became close, wonderful friends. That was my first real coming to grips with the whole Protestant/Catholic situation. I began to realize that there were Christians everywhere. They might be called modernists, Catholics, or whatever, but they were Christians. Jesus taught, 'By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.' And that love is more important than anything else. I don't think I've ever departed from that realization" (November 1991, Bookstore Journal).

- In 1964, Graham's aide, George Edstrom, wrote: "Mr. Graham has never preached in a Catholic Church, and he does not agree with them in the joining of one church. If you heard this, it is nothing but false rumors." Yet, as early as 1963, one year prior to the above statement, Graham had spoken at the Roman Catholic Belmont Abbey College in North Carolina.

In 1967, Graham again spoke at Belmont Abbey, at the Institute for Ecumenical Dialogue, receiving his honorary Doctor of Humane Letters (D.H.L.) from them and saying that this was "... a time when Protestants and Catholics could meet together, and greet each other as brothers, whereas ten years ago they could not." Graham said he "knew of no greater honor a North Carolina preacher, reared just a few miles from here, could have than to be presented with this degree. I'm not sure but what this could start me being called 'Father Graham,'" he facetiously added. In this same talk, Graham stated:

"Finally, the way of salvation has not changed. I know how the ending of the book will be. The gospel that built this school and the gospel that brings me here tonight is still the way to salvation" (11/22/67, The Gastonia Gazette).

Compare this to Graham's statement in 1957, when he branded the Catholic gospel, "a stench in the nostrils of God" (A Prophet With Honor, p. 223).

- In 1968, Graham was in a meeting in San Antonio, Texas. He said that the Roman Church had given "tremendous cooperation" in areas where he had held crusades. He added, "A great part of our support today comes from Catholics. We never hold a crusade without priests and nuns being much in evidence in the audience."

In 1985, the Paulist National Catholic Evangelization Association and Tyndale House Publishers jointly published What Christians Can Learn from One Another about Evangelizing Adults, which contained a chapter by Billy Graham. The book called for greater cooperation between Protestants and Catholics in so-called evangelism, and also included articles by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, Robert Schuller, Bill Bright, Jack Wyrtzen, and others (Flirting With Rome, Vol. I: Billy Graham, p. 31).

- Thirty-four Roman Catholic churches and 300-400 parish volunteers participated in the Graham Evangelistic Association St. Louis Crusade led by Graham associate, Dr. Ralph Bell, September 22-29, 1991. The crusade was co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of St. Louis. (Reported in the 1992 March-April Fundamentalist Digest.) Vincent Heier of the Archdiocese office commented, "Billy Graham has always been very ecumenical ... Billy Graham has not necessarily pushed people into one denomination or another but he's tries to encourage whatever denominations that want to cooperate."

- David Briggs, an Associated Press reporter, wrote concerning the 9/22/91 Billy Graham New York City Crusade that "many of those who answer the call at the end of his crusade have been swayed by techniques such as having the ushers come forward to give the impression there is a groundswell of people committing to Christ." (Reported in The Patriot-News, Religion section, Harrisburg, PA, 9/20/91, p. 1.) The rally was endorsed by Roman Catholic Cardinal John O'Connor who said, "the Billy Graham organization has asked our help in providing people to counsel and to welcome back those who wish to practice their Catholic faith." At the rally, Graham thanked O'Connor and the area archbishops for their support. Graham also expressed appreciation to the Jewish Rabbis in New York. (Graham said: "I want to thank the Jewish Rabbis for having me for lunch. ... About 200 Rabbis gathered and we broke bread together and we talked about the things of God and the things of New York City.") When extending the invitation at the close of his message, Graham invited individuals to "come back to the Lord" by "renewing" their "vows of baptism or confirmation." (Reported in the 1992 March-April Fundamentalist Digest.) [Graham made this same appeal to "reconfirm" at a 1977 Crusade held in the heart of Roman Catholicism at Notre Dame University: "Many of you want to come tonight to reconfirm your confirmation. You want to reconfirm the decision that you made when you joined the church" (Interdisciplinary Biblical Research Institute, pp. 75-76).]

- Graham first preached in Moscow in 1982 when it was still part of the Soviet Union. When Graham returned to Russia for a 10/23/92-10/25/92 rally, he met with Russian Orthodox Church spokesman, Patriarch Alexi II, and issued a joint statement denouncing proselytizing in the former Soviet Union (July-August 1993, Fundamentalist Digest). Graham and Alexi issued the statement in a private meeting at Moscow's historic Danilov Monastery. Graham said:

"I assured him we didn't come here to proselytize, that I have been here a number of times with the Orthodox church as their guest, that I have a great love for the church and believe the people need to go back to their roots and put a great deal of emphasis on Bible study." (Reported in the 12/92 ,Baptist Challenge.) (Emphasis added.)

Street preaching, distribution of Bible tracts and other Gospel literature, and publishing of Bible- related materials by foreign missionaries have also been banned in Russia. The restrictions were pushed by the same Russian Orthodox denomination that Graham has such "a great love" for. Graham voiced his agreement with the new laws, describing tract distribution as an "inappropriate" activity.

- The 1998 animated film on the life of Moses, The Prince of Egypt, was made with input from evangelicals, Jews, and Muslims. The anti-God filmmaker, DreamWorks, taking great care not to offend these religious groups, took considerable liberties with the Biblical account. It pressured an evangelical publisher, working on a children's book tie-in, to eliminate references to God as "he" and some references to God as "Lord" (12/98, What In The World!). To meet politically correct feminist criteria for an acceptable god, it has YHWH saying, "... I am the God of your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the God of Sara, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah" (12/98, Media Spotlight). Billy Graham, James Dobson, and Jerry Falwell were also consulted, and all praise the movie. (Reported in the 1/15/99, Calvary Contender.)

- Christianity Today reported on Graham's third Pittsburgh Crusade, held from 6/2/93-6/6/93 (previous crusades were held in 1952 and 1968):

"The effort was marked by an ecumenical cooperation that saw 1,050 churches and 65 denominations come together. ... 171,500 persons attended ... 12,515 of them making commitments to Christ. ... [Contributions came] in at $180,000 above the $1.45 million budget. ... the Crusade in largely Roman Catholic Pittsburgh had six Catholics on the [Crusade] Executive Committee. Earlier crusades did not include invitations to Pittsburgh Catholic Diocese officials. This time Graham met with eight bishops and executives from Catholic and Protestant groups" (7/19/93 Christianity Today).

- In 9/93, Graham held a crusade in Columbus, Ohio. In a pre-Crusade television interview, Graham said (speaking of the people of Columbus, Ohio):

"You're too good, you don't need evangelism. ... In fact, that's what kept us from coming [to Columbus] for so long."

A TV news reporter said Graham didn't care what faith you were from, that "the idea is to bring you back to your faith, no matter what it is, and to use the Crusade as a catalyst to bring you back to that faith." Another reporter said: "The Catholic Church ... is taking an active part ... and is inviting its parishioners to attend the crusades" (9/19/93 ,Columbus Dispatch).

Graham, in his final 9/26 sermon to 44,000 people, asked: "Is AIDS a judgment from God? I cannot say for sure, but I think so." Two weeks later he said he didn't mean it. He said: "To say God has judged people with AIDS would be very wrong and very cruel" and "I would like to say that I am very sorry for what I said" (10/10/93, Bloomington Herald-Times). Graham also told the Cleveland Plain Dealer, "I don't believe that, and I don't know why I said it."

- In a five-day visit to North Korea in 3/92, Graham preached in one Protestant and one Catholic church (the only two churches permitted to exist in North Korea!). He delivered a message from the Pope, and spoke with government approval. He praised North Korea's Marxist dictator Kim II Sung's call for "reconciliation and peace," and Graham said that he has "learned to appreciate Korea's long struggle to preserve its national sovereignty." On ABC's "Good Morning America" (4/6/92), talking about his trip, Graham said that the people of North Korea seemed "relaxed and happy," noting that they were preparing for Kim's 80th birthday, of whom Graham said was almost like "a grandfather" to his people! Graham said that Kim had given the Graham party "a very lavish luncheon" during which he was "very warm and friendly." But, said Graham, he had no idea why he was invited to North Korea.

"Well, I have an idea," says John Lofton of The Lofton Letter: "Graham is invited to such places as North Korea and the then Communist Soviet Union because he is a Dupe, what Lenin called 'a useful idiot' who can be counted on to not tell it like it is." Graham's trip was obviously of immense propaganda value to atheist North Korea, which recently joined the United Nations, and is now contracting to sell powerful "terror weapons" to Iran. (Reported in the 5/1/92 Calvary Contender and the 2/22/93 Christian News.) [Graham has always seemed to have a higher view of communism than of Scripture. A number of years ago Graham said that "Mao Tse Tung's Eight Precepts are basically the same as the Ten Commandments. In fact, if we can't have the Ten Commandments read in the schools, I'll settle for Mao's Precepts" (Gothardism Evaluated, 1988, p. 16).]

- Graham is a supporter of the Williamsburg Charter Foundation [WCF] (Graham gave the keynote address at the signing ceremony on 6/25/88), an ecumenical amalgamation of professing Christians, humanists, atheists, New Agers, Eastern religionists, etc., whose stated goal is religious tolerance in education, but all the while is promoting a new one world religion. Other "evangelical" signators and/or supporters with Graham were James Dobson, Beverly LaHaye, and Chuck Colson. [WCF no longer exists, but the curriculum has been passed on to a "new" organization, "The First Liberty Institute," an organization headed up by New Ager Dr. Charles C. Haynes. (First Liberty is located at George Mason University, which was originally designated as "national teacher training and outreach center" for the Williamsburg Charter Foundation. Its New Age/One World curriculum, "Living With Our Deepest Differences: Religious Liberty in a Pluralistic Society," is being offered to the nations' public schools by the National Council on Religion and Public Education, a Liberty Institute organization, and has been accepted by the California State Board of Education.)]

- A 1993 article from the Houston Chronicle quoted Billy Graham's favorable comments about left wing liberal President(s) Bill & Hillary Clinton:

"President Bill Clinton would make a great evangelist, the Rev. Billy Graham told U.S. News & World Report in a recent interview. ... Graham said he was impressed with Clinton's charisma and 'with some of the things he believes. ... From a biblical point of view, we should be headed in the direction of goodness and righteousness, away from crime and immorality,' Graham said, 'and towards one's neighbors who are in need. I'm encouraged by the emphasis President Clinton and Hillary are putting on that.'"

Like what? Putting homosexuals in the military or helping to abort your neighbor's baby? Or perhaps Clinton's enthusiasm towards the New World Order? That Graham should have any kind words at all for a couple who represent the antithesis of Biblical "goodness," "righteousness," and "morality" is bad enough, but for Graham to think that the Clintons are emphasizing these virtues exhibits a heretofore unprecedented level of ignorance and/or self-deceit on Graham's part.

Graham attended a 1993 prayer breakfast in which Clinton participated. Senator Kerry read Jn. 3:1-21 (skipping verse 16) and said Christ was speaking of "spiritual renewal" and that "in the spirit of Christ ... Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Jew, Christian" were meeting and "there is renewal ... with a new President and Vice President ..." Billy Graham added, "I do not know a time when we had a more spiritual time than we've had today."

[On the 3/5/98 "Today Show," Graham said about Clinton's sexual escapades: "I forgive him because I know the frailty of human nature and I know how hard it is, and especially a strong vigorous young man like he is -- he has such a tremendous personality. I think the ladies just go wild over him."]

- More evidence of Graham's ecumenism is his statement in U.S. News & World Report (12/19/88):

"World travel and getting to know clergy of all denominations has helped mold me into an ecumenical being. We're separated by theology and, in some instances, culture and race, but all of that means nothing to me anymore."

This should not surprise us in light of the fact that as early as 1958, Graham had reduced the doctrine of verbal inerrancy to the status of mere "theory," and denied that "this particular theory of inspiration" was even essential to Christian orthodoxy, let alone grounds for the breaking of Christian fellowship. (Billy Graham's letter to the editor, 11/58, Eternity magazine, pp. 18-19.)

- A pastor who attended a Billy Graham crusade on September 22, 1990, in Nassau Coliseum on Long Island, reported his experience as follows:

"I have read often of the compromises of Billy Graham, but doubted some of the stories as exaggerated. Now they have been proven, in my eyes, worse than reported. ... My conclusion is that Billy Graham is making men twofold more the child of hell ... The emphasis was on believing in God, with a little commentary on Jesus Christ, but very little. ... We were told that the way to take care of the sin problem is to 'receive Christ, rededicate your life, or renew your confirmation vows, or whatever you call it in your church.' I could hardly believe my ears. What do confirmation vows have to do with salvation? ... No one could have convinced me of the apostasy of Billy Graham any more than my own experience. ... He even had a Rabbi on the platform to show the unity of the religions. ... Not having competent counselors is bad enough, but then to have led them to believe that a church experience is the same as being born again is the height of apostasy. ... Billy has not compromised, he has gone kaput!" (From The Baptist Lighthouse, reprinted in The Perilous Times, March, 1991.)

- During the early-1991 Gulf War with Iraq, Billy Graham was summoned to the White House to pray with and for President George Bush. Graham has said that Bush is the best friend he has in the world outside his own staff, and said that out of the war perhaps "will come a new peace and, as ... stated by the president, a new world order" (2/4/91, Christian News). (Emphasis added.)

- More evidence of Graham conforming to the world was his organization asking for a PG (Parental Guidance) rating for the film, The Prodigal. This request was "so it wouldn't be seen as a goody- two-shoes 'religious' movie" (4/90, Focus on the Family magazine). "Such primary/pragmatic concern for worldly image compromises [any] possible secondary spiritual benefits [the film might have had]" (2/15/91, Calvary Contender).

- In Amsterdam in 1986, sponsored by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Crusade at a cost of $21 million, more than 12,000 "Christian" leaders met to plan a strategy for evangelizing the world. Graham openly admitted at the closing press conference that the only way to achieve world evangelism is under the umbrella of ecumenicity. When asked how he could conduct a conference on worldwide evangelism when so many attending groups did not even embrace the same fundamentals of the faith or agree on the definition of the Gospel, Graham responded:

"Evangelism is about the only word we can unite on ... Our methods would be different and there would be debates over even the message sometimes, but there is no debate over the fact that we need to evangelize. ... I think there is an ecumenicity that cannot [be gotten] under any other umbrella."

Thus, Graham has chosen to join in evangelism with those who would debate the very content of the Gospel! (Reported in the July 1991 CIB Bulletin and the March-May 1991 Foundation, p. 13.)

- Billy Graham was named as one of the four Honorary Co-Chairmen of the A.D. 2000 Evangelism organization. (The other three are Luis Palau, Campus Crusade's Bill Bright, and Kyun Chik Han of Korea. Paul Cedar, then head of the Evangelical Free Church, chairs the A.D. 2000 International Coalition of Christian Leaders, which is composed of 200 key leaders from various denominations, national, and local churches.) A.D. 2000 Evangelism is ecumenical, compromising to the core, and even has some New Agers in its ranks (e.g., Jay Gary and Robert Muller), yet many undiscerning or uninformed "believers" are supporting, praising, and participating in it. This unscriptural evangelism movement includes Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Charismatics, Pentecostals, and Protestants of all kinds. It is evident that many have not yet realized the impossibility of evangelizing the world when millions of those participating in that effort preach a false gospel. This makes the A.D. 2000 Evangelism program a curse, not a blessing.

According to the July-August, 1993 Mission Frontiers Bulletin, "These International Coalition leaders share the vision of the A.D. 2000 and Beyond Movement. ["A church for every people and the Gospel for every person by A.D. 2000," is their slogan.] They are 'front line' leaders, implementers, activists, equippers, and/or mobilizers in the ministry of world evangelization. Coalition members give leadership to the involvement of their own constituencies and share spiritual counsel with the various A.D. 2000 boards, committees and resource network leaders. They will seek to rally support and resources of all kinds to see the objectives of the movement fulfilled." (Emphasis added.) Seeking "all kinds" of support simply means that they will utilize whatever group claims to be in agreement with their "objectives" of global evangelization. The problem with such an inclusivist policy, however, is that some of the groups whose support they are trying to enlist embrace many unbiblical beliefs and strange gospels (September-October 1993, Foundation magazine).

- In preparation for an ecumenical evangelistic crusade that was held in Germany in March of 1993, Graham met with leading German governmental and religious officials. Among those with whom he met was Bishop Karl Lehmann, the "highest-ranking Roman Catholic official in the country." The purpose of their meeting was "to extend the opportunity for local dioceses to participate in the outreach of the crusade." According to the report, "Bishop Lehmann warmly welcomed Mr. Graham stating, 'One of the key words uniting us today, including Orthodox, Protestant and Catholic alike is 'evangelism.'" (1/93, Decision magazine, p. 19)

[Those who fellowship with Romanism put a stamp of approval -- unwittingly, perhaps, but just as surely -- upon the false gospel preached by their Roman Catholic friends. When Billy Graham includes Catholics in his evangelistic crusades and sends inquirers to Catholic churches, those looking on are made to think that Roman Catholicism must be true Christianity. When evangelical leaders fellowship with Rome, a climate is created whereby it is very difficult to preach that Catholics need to be saved and leave their apostate [church]. Ecumenical evangelicals break down the walls between truth and error and muddy the waters of gospel work. ..." (Reported in the 7/1/93 ,Calvary Contender, quoting Way of Life Literature).]

- After numerous letters from the editor of Christian News questioning Graham's alleged Masonic affiliations, a staff member of Graham's ministry denied that Graham was ever a Freemason. (In a weakly worded statement, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association "condemned" Freemasonry on the grounds that the church should meet the needs one is trying to satisfy by joining a lodge, that joining a lodge could cause a rift between husband and wife if they had not mutually agreed on the husband's lodge membership, and the requirement to take an oath violates Scripture.) But Graham's ministry also admitted that Graham attended a 33rd degree initiation rite back in 1966. Graham's defenders claim that this is how he became alerted to the dangers of Freemasonry.

But Masons are not in the habit of inviting the curious to its secret ceremonies! Can one then surmise that this was Graham's own initiation ceremony? In doing primary research for his book, The Origins and Teachings of Freemasonry (at the House of the Temple in Washington, D.C.), Dr. Robert A. Morey was told that they keep a file on all 33rd degree Masons. Morey asked if they had a file on Billy Graham. The Librarian said, "Yes. Do you want to see it?" But since he did not feel that it was proper, he said, "No, not at this time" (Robert Morey' letter to the editor, Christian News, 9/14/92).

Fritz Springmeier of Portland, Oregon has written a tract, "Billy Graham and the Bible." He gives evidence of Billy Graham being a 33rd degree Mason who has taken secret oaths in blood. In this tract, Springmeier states, "Billy Graham took part in the initiation rites of Jim Shaw as a 33rd degree Mason. This was before Shaw left the Masons in obedience to Christ" (9/14/92, Christian News).

- William Martin, a sociologist at Rice University, spent five years researching for an authorized biography of Graham (A Prophet With Honor: The Billy Graham Story, 1991 -- this was the second authorized biography of Graham, the other being by John Pollock in 1966). Martin characterizes Graham as a "regular guy who can skinny-dip with Lyndon Johnson or flip through Playboy at a barber shop without embarrassment. But he is also an example of clean living." Other observations by Martin include:

(a) Graham's form of Christianity relies upon emotion and a simplistic view of the Bible in favor of a mass-produced approach to gaining converts.

(b) Graham is willing to tread carelessly along the line separating religion and politics in exchange for access to the rich and powerful.

(c) Studies have found that Graham's rallies largely preach to the professing converted, and that many of those who answer the call at the end of his crusades have been swayed by techniques, such as having ushers come forward in order to give the impression that there is a groundswell of people committing to Christ.

(d) Graham has been vilified for his willingness to work in cooperation with mainline Protestants, Catholics, and others of suspect faith.

(e) Graham has publicly endorsed Martin Luther King, a known womanizer and Marxist sympathizer.

(f) Graham's ecumenical achievements include the founding of the neo-evangelical magazine Christianity Today, and the founding of the ecumenical youth organization, Youth for Christ, as well as having been an important cog in the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) since its early days.

- Graham visited the NCC's (National Council of Churches) headquarters in New York City on 8/27/91 and praised the group as follows: "There's no group of people in the world that I would rather be with right now than you all. Because I think of you, I pray for you, and we follow with great interest the things you do. ... I don't speak to too many church assemblies any more because I consider myself as belonging to all the churches. And I love everybody equally and I have no problem in fellowship with anybody who says that Jesus Christ is Lord. This has been a great relief to me to come to that conclusion about twenty-some years ago." (As reported in Foundation, June-August 1991, p. 34.) [At the 1995 NCC convention, NCC General Secretary Joan Brown Campbell read a letter from Graham encouraging the board -- "May God use your efforts to bring about a renewed understanding of the priority of evangelism, and rededication to the practice of biblical evangelism within the churches you serve."]

- For decades Billy Graham has had a love for the Charismatic movement and has supported it. His photo appears on the cover of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship magazine, Voice, for October 1962, after he spoke at their convention that year in Seattle. It was Billy Graham who was instrumental in bringing Oral Roberts into the mainstream of evangelical sympathy. He invited Oral to the World Congress on Evangelism sponsored by Christianity Today magazine in Berlin in late 1966, then spoke at the dedication of Oral Roberts University in April of 1967.

Graham has also appeared on TV specials with Oral Roberts. There has never been a word of protest or warning about Roberts' wild visions, faith healing, and shameless money-raising schemes. At Graham's Amsterdam '83, two of the main speakers were David Yonggi Cho of Korea and Pat Robertson of the USA. Both, of course, are outspoken charismatics (New Neutralism II, p. 30).

Billy Graham's love affair with the Charismatic movement continues today. He sent his greetings and blessing to the hyper-charismatic gathering at the "New Orleans '87 North American Congress on the Holy Spirit & World Evangelization" via a video clip which was introduced with much fanfare and shown on large screens. When asked to send greetings, he should have been honest and said, "How in the world can God bless that mess"! Instead, though, he said this: (Reported in an O Timothy Special Issue, "Charismatic Confusion in Indianapolis.")

"Greetings in the name of the Lord! I would love to be with you today in your great conference. But I am unable to do so because we are involved in a crusade here in Denver, Colorado ... I rejoice with you at the goals of your ... Congress ... And I thank God for the vital role that your movement is having in bringing about a spiritual awakening in this country ... My prayers are with you that your Congress will be greatly blessed of God and used by the Holy Spirit to further the Good News of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May God bless you all." [!!!]

- A highly influential book promoting the charismatic "Manifest Sons of God" doctrine is Destined For the Throne by Paul E. Billheimer. In a chapter titled, "God's purpose for the Church," regarding the extension of the Godhead, Billheimer wrote: "The Union goes beyond a mere formal, functional or idealistic harmony or rapport. It is an 'organic relationship of personalities'; through the new birth we become bona fide members of the original, cosmic family. ..." Billheimer claims he received his "insights" by personal ministry of the "Holy Spirit." He concludes, "Thus through the new birth-and I speak reverently -- we become the 'next of kin' to the Trinity, a kind of 'extension' of the Godhead." Charismaniacs Jan and Paul Crouch of TBN mailed out hundreds of thousands of this book in 1985 and 1986. Even now they send it out as a fund raiser. The foreword to the book was written by Billy Graham. (Reported in Bold Truth News.)

- Billy Graham has also taken the "low road" with respect to pop psychological gospel being espoused by so many of today's leading "evangelicals." Two examples follow:

(a) Graham endorsed the Life Application Bible (along with Charles Stanley, Howard Hendricks, and D. James Kennedy), a study Bible with study notes in support of self-love and other humanistic concepts (e.g., study note to Rom. 12:3 -- "Healthy self-esteem is important because some of us think too little of ourselves ... the key to an honest and accurate evaluation is knowing the basis of our self-worth -- our identity in Christ ..."; and Gen. 1:26 -- "Knowing that we are made in God's image, and thus share many of His characteristics, provides a solid basis for self-worth ... Because we bear God's image, we can feel positive about ourselves ... Knowing you are a person of worth helps you love God ..."). Graham is quoted as saying that, "The Life Application Bible is a great step forward in helping Christians apply the Bible's life-changing message in their lives."

(b) Graham states in his book, Answers to Life's Problems, "... faith in God is very, very important," but apparently not enough -- "God may choose to use an able psychiatrist to help you with some of the problems you are facing ... Therefore, you should not feel that you are wrong in seeking the help of a psychiatrist or trained psychologist if that will help you deal with some deep- seated emotional problems. Seek one who will not discourage your faith in God. Your pastor can perhaps suggest a Christian psychiatrist in your area."

- Eugene Peterson's The Message has swept into Christian bookstores, homes, and churches from coast to coast. In the first four months after its mid-July, 1993 release, 100,000 copies of this "New Testament in contemporary English" were printed by NavPress and 70,000 books were sold. Apparently, most readers were delighted: "The Message is so good it leaves me breathless," wrote popular New Age author Madeleine L'Engle in her endorsement. Billy Graham has also endorsed The Message: "The Message is one of the most dynamic recent versions of the New Testament that I have seen ... Children can easily understand it, and veteran Bible readers will see Christ's words in a fresh light." In fact, Billy Graham even authorized a special edition of The Message to be distributed by his Evangelistic Association -- it contains "... many explanations that I've written to help you understand what the New Testament says."

But The Message teaches a different gospel and a different morality than the Bible (as well as a worldly/warm fuzzy view of life). For example, The Message translates Jesus' statement in John 14:28, "The Father is the goal and purpose of my life," versus the Bible's "... The Father is greater than I." In l Cor. 6:18-20, the words "sexual immorality" are deleted and the words "avoids commitment and intimacy" are added. (One could conclude that "commitment and intimacy," not marriage, set the boundaries for acceptable sex.) In Rom. 1:26-27, the words "God gave them over ..." are deleted and words that qualify homosexuality are added (providing a loophole for committed homosexuals who "love" each other; thus lust becomes the sin, not the choice of a same-sex partner). There are hundreds of examples like these in The Message.

Peterson himself, in his introduction to The Message, says, "This version of the New Testament in a contemporary idiom keeps the language of The Message current and fresh and understandable in the same language in which we do our shopping, talk with our friends, worry about world affairs, and teach our children their table manners ..." This all sounds like an excuse for "dumbing-down" Scripture to match our culture's downward trends. Should we then rewrite God's holy Scriptures to fit our more shallow and worldly communications? And what does it say about a man like Billy Graham when he endorses it as an authentic translation of the Bible rather than as Peterson's personal, politically correct interpretation. (Also endorsing The Message were Warren Wiersbe, J.I. Packer, and Jack Hayford.) [Adapted from "What Kind of Message is THE MESSAGE?, an article by Berit Kjos.]

- Regardless of which of the Bible versions a true Bible-believer might choose to use, all can agree that The Living Bible is not an acceptable "translation." In July 1996 the New Living Translation (NLT) by Tyndale House Publishers came out as a remake of Kenneth Taylor's The Living Bible, which first appeared in a complete Bible in 1971 and which has sold more than 40 million copies. The advertisements tell us that "The New Living Translation provides a wonderful balance of readability and authority. ... due to the careful work of 90 leading Bible scholars, it is accurate to the original Greek and Hebrew text." The cover jacket of the NLT contains enthusiastic recommendations by Billy Graham, Bill Hybels, and Josh McDowell, and was featured positively in the 10/28/96 edition of Christianity Today in an article, "The Living Bible Reborn."

In truth, the NLT is a more worthless version than The Living Bible ever was. It is again a paraphrase, like The Living Bible, but its updating of the language and phrase additions make a mockery of the Word of God.

- Promise Keepers is the gigantic new (1991) "men's movement" among professing evangelical Christians. Its roots are Catholic and charismatic to the core. PK's contradictory stand on homosexuality; its promotion of secular psychology; its unscriptural feminizing of men; its depiction of Jesus as a "phallic messiah" tempted to perform homosexual acts; and its ecumenical and unbiblical teachings should dissuade any true Christian from participating. Promise Keepers is proving to be one of the most ungodly and misleading movements in the annals of Christian history. Nevertheless, Billy Graham is a supporter of this ecumenical, charismatic, psychologized men's movement. Graham relayed to everyone at the February, 1996, PK Clergy Conference in Atlanta that PK is "the organization that helps the church work," and needs to "tear down the walls that separate us."

- Foundation magazine seems to adequately sum up the case against Billy Graham:

"Fifty years of compromise have increased Billy Graham's popularity but have resulted in a serious loss of spiritual discernment and Scriptural convictions. Fifty years of compromise have brought Billy Graham into close fellowship and cooperation with millions of those who preach a false gospel and teach dangerous, unscriptural doctrines. His refusal to warn about the false gospel preached by the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant churches is inexcusable and indefensible. His failure to warn about the dangers of the wildfire teachings of charismatic leaders opens the door for millions of believers to be deceived. Fifty years of compromise have even led Billy Graham into joining with leaders of pagan, heathen religions on the basis of a mutual search for world peace" (March- May 1991 Foundation, p. 16).


Unless otherwise noted, the information in this report, and other factual documentation on Billy Graham, can be found in the following sources:

(a) Church League of America. Billy Graham: Performer, Politician, Preacher, Prophet, 1982.

(b) Cloud, David. Flirting With Rome, Vol. 1: Billy Graham, 1992, 48 ppgs.

(c) Dullea, Charles. A Catholic Looks at Billy Graham, 1967.

(d) Dunham, William E. "The Billy Graham Compromise," The Review of the News, 5/8/74.

(e) Ewin, Wilson. The Assimilation of Evangelist Billy Graham Into the Roman Catholic Church, 1992, 23 ppgs.

(f) Hulls, Errol. Billy Graham: The Pastor's Dilemma, 1966.

(g) Pasley, Ian. Billy Graham and the Church of Rome, 19??.

(h) Peterson, F. Paul. The Other Side of Billy Graham and Watergate, 1974.

(i) Pickering, Ernest. Biblical Separation, 1979 (pp. 141-155).

(j) Reynolds, M.H. "Billy Graham, the Pope, and the Bible," Fundamental Evangelistic Association tract, 19??.

(k) Waite, D.A. "Billy Graham's Rapid Change of Principles," Bible For Today, 6 ppgs