
Feb 13, 2010

Children Singing and Testimonies

A few of these songs are not specifically Christian songs BUT they are ALL INSPIRATIONAL ! These young singers certainly show how God can bless with terrific "born-with" talents.

Please pray for all these gifted children, for, as they grow, the secular music industry will attempt to draw them away from their love for God. This is a very real threat! They will attempt to mold these precious souls into sex symbols to draw even more of our children away from the arms of God.

Jacki Evancho "Pie Jesu" (Pious Jesus)
America's Got Talent

Jacki Evancho - O Holy Night

Mongolian Boy's Heartwarming Song
Wow I finally found English subtitles but end is missing (view video directly below)
Suspect Chinese government has been tampering with original - Too much mention of heaven!

"Mother in the Dream"

In the stillness among the vast lands
I dream of Mother praying for me.
She looks afar and gives precious milk to the heavens
As offering for my well-being.
My Mother, so far away
so far away.
Stars twinkle above the grasslands
While in my dream I see Mother's caring face.
As she prays to the heavens
To wish me godspeed.
My Mother, so far away
so far away.

In my dream I see home basking in golden sunbeam
While Mother softly sings an enchanting melody
There in the grasslands lies my everlasting home.
My dearest Mother wait for my return.
My Mother, so far away
so far away.

My dearest Mother wait for my return.
My Mother, so far away
so far away.

Mother in the dream - Uudam hát 100%

Mother in the Dream (梦中的额吉
Mongolian boy- Uudan (乌达木 Wudamu in Chinese)
This was the original video I posted BUT
The English subtitles were removed from this video!
View a subtitled version directly below (subtitling and sound not quit as good as original - BUT please listen to conversation and words of song - Heartbreaking!

A 12-year-old Mongolian boy- Uudan (乌达木 Wudamu in Chinese) who lost his parents at the age of 8 in a road accident singing the song-"Mother in the Dream" (梦中的额吉) to his mother at heaven. He seldom talk about his story but when he miss his mother, he will sing this song. Besides, he always dream about his mother, sitting beside him.

The song is in Mongolian, therefore, not everyone can understand the lyrics. However, his singing touched every judges and audiences in the hall without the understanding of the lyrics. He sang out all his love and though to his mother.

A touching song, performed by a boy who got a sad story behind, a voice comes from far Mongolia sending his though to his mother at heaven. A great performance by a 12-year-old boy! He got an interesting and beautiful dream which is to invent a kind of ink that just need a drop to drop on the ground, the whole world will cover with green grass. one more thing to add, his mother wished to see his singing on the stage when she was alive.


Uudam, Mother in the dream
(new English lyrics) A different interpretation (words)2012

I did like the original words better But I wish the best for this young man.  Please pray for him and the new adoptive parents that he lives with. Pray that these people are a good fit for this boy.

This new version issued by the government of New Barag Autonomous County at 2011. G-father of Uudam( Buren Baya) wrote a new version of Chinese lyrics on the new video. We want to share the new video with non Chinese viewers worldwide and so we translated it into English. Please do not mix- up the two versions and misunderstand it is a wrong translation.

The Little Prince in the dream

Global Times/Lu Qianwen
Published on December 19, 2011
12-year-old Uudam’s rising star (middle) captures the hearts of Chinese audience. 

Last Wednesday in Beijing, just minutes after his album release press conference ended, Uudam was lying on a sofa backstage, trying to squeeze in a nap before the rest of the day's events. "He's really tired. Between singing, promoting his new album and shooting a movie, he's just exhausted," said Urina, Uudam's adoptive mother.

Uudam has become a well-known little star. Debuting in China's Got Talent on Dragon TV in Shanghai last May, Uudam, a 12-year-old boy from Hulun Buir Prairie in China's northern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, deeply impressed the show's judges and audience with his penetrating voice and remarkable stage presence.

Perhaps what has most profoundly touched people is the young boy's rare life experience that has tugged at everyone's heartstrings.

A star is born

Earlier this year on May 29, standing on the stage of China's Got Talent, after finishing a high-pitched Mongolian song "Mother in the Dream" which received massive applause, little Uudam's soul-touching performance aroused judges' curiosity. "So where is your mother?" one of the judges asked.

"Mom is in heaven," said Uudam.

After learning that the performer had lost both of his parents in traffic accidents, judges couldn't help choking up, while people in the audience began to wipe away their tears.

However, on stage, Uudam was still wearing his innocent smile, watching the judges intently and answering each question calmly. "How can you be so stoic, having suffered the loss of your parents at such an early age?" one judge asked.

"I told myself that I just can't cry - I can't," little Uudam said firmly.

It was this television appearance that brought the pint-size singer under the nation's spotlight. With a bright, peaceful smile on his face, his confident and infectious spirit stole the show. After the judges commented that he resembled the title character of Le Petit Prince [The Little Prince], the young singer was dubbed "the little prince of the prairie."

Strength from tragedy

Endowed with an outstanding voice, Uudam was first scouted for his singing talent when he was very young. At the age of five, he was recruited as the youngest member of Wucai Children's Chorus, a troupe from the vast Hulun Buir Prairie, which promotes the region's folk songs.

However, misfortune befell him when he was eight years old: his mother was severely injured in a traffic accident on her way home from one of Udam's shows. She spent the following year in bed, paralyzed and ill.

"During that period, Uudam constantly attended to his mother, delivering food, peeling bananas, meticulously caring for her, hoping she would get better," Urina told the Global Times.

But life ruthlessly failed this family. His mother eventually passed away, leaving the heartbroken Uudam with only one parent. Then about one year ago, his father' life was also taken in a traffic accident when he was on his way to see Uudam perform. The grief-saddled boy was devastated.

"He used to be so lively, mischievous and active," said his uncle, Manlai, who helped take care of Uudam for a while after his mother's death. "But after his mother passed away, he became very quiet, with little or no words."

Nurtured in a naturally tougher and sparsely inhabited environment, boys who grow up on the Mongolian prairie are generally stronger and more independent than their peers in the plains. Even within this culture, Uudam is seen as remarkably strong. "We know he's very sad, but he never talks about it with us," said Urina, "he's a very brave little man."

After his parents' deaths, Uudam's schoolwork was also affected. In an interview with Dragon TV, one of Uudam's teachers revealed that for a while Uudam was sullen and uncharacteristically distractible. "But after a while, he slowly came back to himself, showing interest and taking initiative again in both schoolwork and extracurricular activities," the teacher said.

Life is green again

When the judges of China's Got Talent asked what his dream was, Uudam replied, "I have a dream that one day I will invent a kind of ink that turns everything into grasslands when I put a drop on the ground." His surprisingly poetic and visionary response captivated the judges and audience, fueling their affections for him. In the end, the little prince became the youngest contestant to make it to the final four in the national competition.

It is comforting to know that his life is shedding its grayness and giving way to green again. His adoptive parents, mother Urina and father Buren Bayar, are both well-known Mongolian folk singers. With their help, Uudam released his first album, Mother in the Dream, last month.

Behind the microphone at last week's press conference, Uudam said he was very pleased and grateful that his adoptive parents have been so caring and supportive.

Despite always wearing a trace of shyness in his crystal-clear eyes, and sometimes intentionally keeping a distance from strangers out of wariness, little Uudam has a brave and big heart.

When asked by the Global Times whether he will choose to be a Mongolian folk singer when he grows up, Uudam hid shyly behind Urina, quietly murmuring "I don't know." A moment later he flashed back out of hiding and held his adoptive mother's arm, asking "What do you think, mother?" With heart-warming moments like this on stage nearly everywhere he goes, this little prince is bound to charm audiences for a long time to come.

9 year old sing You Raise Me Up (Samuel Afi)

Another Day in Paradise
by Allan Clelland-Goddard

Please think of sponsoring a child in need or give a one time gift either locally or internationally
World Vision
Plan International

Street Children
by Allan Clelland-Goddard

The United Nations estimate the number of Street Children in the World today to be more than 150 million! My mum wrote this song and our dream is to use it to raise awareness and money for them. I don't want to give them charity but instead I want to give them a life. Thank you for listening. Please share it with others. If you are moved by the songs message and want to do more please visit  and donate what you can. Thank you

To all the World Leaders
I bring my song today
Search for some compassion
And try to find a way
To help the little ones
Who live on the street
Filthy and hungry, no shoes on their feet
For they are innocent
Did not commit a crime
But are sentenced to live on the Street for all time
Now help them all please I am begging you
Give them a chance so they may start anew

Street children, out there lonely and confused
Street children, often battered and abused
Street children, each day I pray
That God will be beside you to guide you on your way
Street children, I shed a tear for you
Street children, I sing my song for you
Street children, its so sad
Because you are the victims of society gone mad

They turn to lives of crime
They see no other way
They steal just to survive
To see another day
Some even using drugs
Just to ease the pain
Addicted to glue and snorting cocaine
But dont condemn them now
And please don't walk away
But ask what you would do if you were them today
And next time you see a Street Child walk by
Say There but for the Grace of God go I


The United Nations
Say children all have rights
But in reality
We know we have to fight
So my words are my swords and my voice my gun
And I wont give up til the war is won
Give them proper shelter
Give them education
Feed their bodies and souls
So that every nation
Can be proud to see that their children can be
Anything in this world they want to be


Its not just Trinbago
Not just the West Indies
But a Worldwide problem
Spreading like a disease
Each day the numbers grow
I know this is fact
Of all the children forced to live like rats
Where are the Governments?
The ones supposed to care?
Where are the plans to save children who live out there?
Hang your heads in shame
All politicians
Sipping champagne, while these little ones you shun!

Street children, out there lonely and confused
Street children, often battered and abused
Street children, each day I pray
That God will be beside you to guide you on your way
Street children, I sing my song for you
But Im just a little boy so what else can I do?
Street children, its so sad
Because you are the victims of society gone mad

Amazing Grace by Rhema Marvanne

Tuhan Pasti Sanggup - Superkids featuring Kiki-Idola cilik - from The Philippines

God is able

Strengthen your heart trough each problems

Lord Jesus will always support you, don't stop hoping to Him

God is definitely able, His hand would never be too late to lift you up

God is still able, be convinced that He won't leave you.

God is still able....... be convinced that He will lift you up....

A Note to God by 7 yrs old Rhema Marvanne

Child singer not identified

El Shaddai

The Prayer by Rhema Marvanne

Tuhan Allah Ditengah Kita - Superkids ( Jesus My Bestfriend )from The Philippines

The First Noel by Rhema Marvanne

Was not able to download this video but click here to view testimony
11 yr Old Went to Heaven and Back, and Tells What He Saw!

Nikita - Kusiapkan Hatiku Tuhan (Indonesian language)

Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) by Shira Chadasha Boys Choir

The Lord's Prayer by Rhema Marvanne

Jesus Loves Me by Rhema Marvanne

Nikita - Kasih Yesus (Indonesian language)

O Holy Night by 7 year old Rhema Marvanne

Declan Galbraith -- Amazing Grace (w/ lyrics)

Worship/Nikita - Glory Haleluya (Indonesian language)

by Sruli Milstien (Hebrew? Sure wish I knew the name of the song and the words!)

Til the Day We Meet Again by Declan Galbraith

David's Song by Declan Galbraith

I Have A Dream
by Angel Voices - opening solo by Liam O'Kane

Agnus Dei by Vienna Boys Choir

Tell Me Why by Declan Galbraith

Rise and Shine - Children's Christian Camp

(unidentified girl singing)

Lord, Make us instruments of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let your love increase
Lord, make us instruments of your peace,
Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease
When we are your instruments of peace.

Where there is hatred, we will show his love
Where there is injury, we will never judge
Where there is striving, we will speak his peace
To the people crying for release,
We will be his instruments of peace

Lord, Make us instruments of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let your love increase
Lord, make us instruments of your peace,
Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease
When we are your instruments of peace.

Where there is blindness, we will pray for sight
where there is darkness, we will shine his light
Where there is sadness, we will bear their grief
To the millions crying for release,
We will be your instruments of peace.

Lord, Make us instruments of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let your love increase
Lord, make us instruments of your peace,
Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease
When we are your instruments of peace.

I Thank God by 8 year old Rhema Marvanne