
Oct 6, 2009

Christian Songs - Indonesian

Christian Songs from Indonesian - And Testimonies of Salvation and Persecution

Our prayers are for our Chritian brothers and sister in Indonesia, many who are being persecuted and martyred for their faith in Jesus .

At the bottom of this page testimonies of martyrdom will be posted.

Sites that monitor Christian Persecution:

Link here to view Open Doors

Link here to view World Watch List (scroll down to see map and list)

Link here to view videos of persecution testimonies

Link here to hear Jesus Freaks

Link here to Voice of the Martyres

Link here to Compass Direct News - News from the Frontlines of Persecution [Current articles and articles going back to 2000.

Voice of the Martyrs Special Report - Indonesia

In December 2004, Santoso, a pastor of a church in Poso, Indonesia, was attacked by militants. This incident has only increased his desire to share the love of God with the people of Indonesia. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT:
[A glorious testimony of love and forgiveness despite persecution. Note that the Voice of the Martyrs organization helps those who have been persecuted, and their families, in practical ways as needed.]

The struggle of Indonesian Christian
Part one (could not find part 2)

Indonesian Christians Under Attack

Jakarta for Jesus 2011

Anti-Christian Incidents Nearly Doubled in Indonesia in 2011: Attempts to institutionalize intolerance, close churches increase
Compass Direct News -

NEW DELHI, January 4 (CDN) — Acts of violence and intolerance against Christians in Indonesia almost doubled in 2011, with an Islamist campaign to close down churches symbolizing the plight of the religious minority.

The Indonesian Protestant Church Union, locally known as PGI, counted 54 acts of violence and other violations against Christians in 2011, up from 30 in 2010.

The number of such incidents against religious minorities in general also grew, from 198 in 2010 to 276 in 2011, but the worst is perhaps yet to come if authorities continue to overlook the threat of extremism, said a representative from the Jakarta-based Wahid Institute, a Muslim organization that promotes tolerance.

Rumadi, who goes by a single name, said his Wahid Institute also observed an attempt to institutionalize intolerance in this archipelago of about 238 million people, of whom about 88 percent Muslim. At least 36 regulations to ban religious practices deemed deviant from Islam were drafted or implemented in the country in 2011.

A Jakarta-based civil rights group, the Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace, noted that both the government and groups in society were responsible for the incidents, with the main violators including religious extremist organizations such as the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

Indonesia’s hot-bed of extremism is West Java, the most populous province that includes the nation’s capital city of Jakarta. This province alone witnessed 160 incidents against religious minorities. In the 1950s, West Java was the base of an Islamist group, Darul Islam, whose splinter groups are still active, fighting the “secular” government and religious minorities.

Church Closures

Churches in West Java, which has about 520,000 Christians, also suffered the most last year. On Christmas Day, two churches in West Java’s Bogor city bore the brunt of growing extremism.

“Islamist vigilantes screamed and yelled at us and threatened us, as we sought to hold a Christmas service,” a leader of the Gereja Kristen Indonesia, also known as the GKI or the Yasmin Church, told Compass in an email.

“We could not hold Christmas service in our own church for a second year,” said the source, who requested anonymity.

The city administration, allegedly under pressure from local extremist groups, sealed off the half-constructed building of the church, situated in the Taman Yasmin housing complex on a street named H. Abdullah Bin Nuh, in 2010. Before Christmas that year, the Supreme Court ordered the city mayor, Diani Budiarto, to unseal the church building, and later an ombudsman also recommended the same, but the official refused to oblige. The church has held worship services on a sidewalk, with police cordoning off the compound, since April 2010.

On Dec. 25, church members insisted they wanted to celebrate Christmas in the building, which is legally theirs, but police prevented them from even going near the structure, the source said. The congregation met in a church member’s home.

Showing solidarity with the church were members of Ansor, youth wing of one of Indonesia’s largest Muslim organizations, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU); interfaith activists, including the sister and youngest daughter of former president Abdurrahman Wahid; and members of the Asian Muslim Action Network. But they could do little to help.

[It is encouraging to know that there are muslim organizations and individuals who are willing to take a stand against this persecution!]

“The police first allowed the vigilantes to stand next to us, and then moved them just about three meters away,” the church leader said. “The vigilantes issued threats to us, but the police did not arrest them.”

Having overseen the sealing of the Yasmin church, Muslim extremists are now targeting a 2,000-member Catholic church in Bogor city’s Parung area. The Santo Joannes Baptista (St. John the Baptist) church was able to hold its mass on Christmas Eve, followed by a Christmas Day service, although authorities had formally ordered the church to stop all activities.

The church building was constructed six years ago, but days before Christmas the head of Bogor district, Rachmat Yasin, issued the cessation order arguing that its construction violated planning rules due to its proximity to a residential area. Soon after the order, a group called the Muslim Community of Parung Bogor placed a banner near the church, stating that it was in support of Rachmat’s move to ban church activities, according to The Jakarta Globe.

“The site is not for a church, but it was a house turned into a house of worship. It is a violation,” Rachmat told the daily. “Moreover, they worship on a regular basis. It is a mistake.”

The head of the Indonesian Bishops Conference, Benny Susetyo, said there had been no conflict between the church and the people living in its vicinity for six years.

“The problem arose when a group of people started to disturb the calm in the region around the house of worship,” he told The Jakarta Globe.

Susetyo added that district authorities had repeatedly rejected demands made by the church for a permit, without giving any reason.

“This is despite us having clearly followed the procedure for the construction of houses of worship.”

Islamist groups have demanded a similar action against five other churches in Pracimantoro town in Central Java province, the source added. These churches – Pentecostal Church of Indonesia in the Ngalu Wetan area, Church of all Nations and Bethel Tabernacle Church in the Gebangharjo area, Javanese Christian Church in the Godang area, and Nazarene Christian Church in the Lebak areahave operational permits to hold church services. They had applied for building permits, but authorities never responded.

Central Java is also a hub of Islamist extremists. Last Sept. 25, a suicide bomber said to be an Islamist terrorist blew himself up at the gate of the Sepenuh Injil Bethel Church (Bethel Full Gospel Church) in Solo city, injuring about 20 people.

Sealing of church buildings and the refusal to grant building permits top the list of major violations of Christians’ religious rights in Indonesia, according to the Setara Institute. A 2006 joint ministerial decree requires signatures from congregations and residents living nearby, as well as approval from the local administration, to build a house of worship.

Government Inaction

The Setara Institute criticized President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for inaction. The president urged people to be tolerant in at least 19 of his speeches in 2011, but he has not backed his words with action, it noted in a recent report.

Intolerance has steadily been increasing in Indonesia, whose constitution is based on the doctrine of Pancasila five principles upholding the nation’s belief in the one and only God and social justice, humanity, unity and democracy for all.

The Setara report cited a February incident in which a mob of about 1,500 Muslim extremists brutally killed three members of the Ahmadiyya community, which is seen as heretical by mainstream Muslims, in the province of Banten near West Java.

“Cases of intolerance have intensified this year, numbering more than last year, and at the core of the problem is poor law enforcement by the government,” Setara deputy chairman Bonar Tigor Naipospos told The Jakarta Globe.


"Giama" (Music Video) -- Yangere Petra WKO

"I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live..." Psalm 104:33
Malaku Islands, 1999: religious war breaks out in Indonesia. The Voice of the Martyrs responds to the religious persecution of Christians, and distributes Life Packs to those affected by the violence. The survivors of that war gathered together to express their love of the Lord with this song, entitled "Giama", performed by the band Yangere Petra WKO. This music video was produced by a VOM contact in Halmahera, Indonesia, and includes footage recorded and photographed by VOM staff.
Lyrics (roughly translated):
Oh Lord hold my hand don't let us fall into temptation of the world.
Don't abandon us.
To whom we put on our hope if it is not on you.
Lord forgives our sins that we commit that our heart become calm.
Don't abandon us.

Tetap Setia - Mike Mohede

Kutakkan Menyerah - Angel Idola Cilik

Hanya Nama YesusUX Band

SerahkanlahUX Band

The True Worshippers :

A young generation who worship God, with their incredible talent. The True worshippers youth is a part of JPCC (Jakarta Praise Community Church).The TW Youth is the name of the band and OXYGEN is JPCC's Youth Church, who sees a generation with eyes and minds set to the truth to live in the divine destiny.

A generation of passion and freedom, who is constantly moving in power and creativity, inspiring others to shine like stars in this breathtaking earth as the children of the living GOD.We dare you to move, dare you to join us see this vision come to pass. Let us live our lives in power and love and change the world of our generation.The Album Called "Breathe" was recorded live in the Upper room, Hotel Nikko, Jakarta, Indonesia.God Bless you ALL.For More info:

True Worshippers - Kau Rajaku (Glory to Glory)

Lebih Dalam Kumenyembah - Oxygen True Worshippers Youth

Sungguh besar setia-Mu
Nyata di sepanjang hidupku
Darah-Mu telah layakan kehidupanku

Tiada kata yang bisa
Lukiskan indahnya Kau Tuhan
Bagi-Mu s'gala pujian dan kemuliaan

Kutinggikan Engkau Tuhan
Melebihi segalanya
Lebih dalam kumenyembah
Dalam Roh dan Keb'naran

Higher Deeper - Oxygen True Worshippers Youth

Beautiful Jesus, Saviour of all the earth
Wounded and broken, suffered on Calvary
Crucified in my place
Lifted me from shame

King of the ages, risen in majesty
Surrounded in glory, poured out Your love for me
At your feet I worship
Lift my voice to sing

Love that's higher and deeper
You are more than enough for me
Love that's higher and deeper
You are more than enough for me

Great is Your love
Great is Your love
Great is Your everlasting love

Great is Your grace
Great is Your grace
Great is the glory of Your grace

Alleluia to Christ The Lord - True Worshippers Youth

Di Setiap Nafasku - True Worshippers Youth

True Worshippers Youth - Alleluia To Christ The Lord

Nita - Kusiapkan Hatiku Tuhan

ku mau cinta yesus selamanya

Ku mau cinta Yesus selamanya
Ku mau cinta Yesus selamanya
Meskipun badai silih berganti dalam hidupku
Ku tetap cinta Yesus selamanya

Ya Bapa, Bapa
Ini aku anakMu
Layakanlah seluruh hidupku
Ya Bapa, Bapa
Ini aku anakMu
Pakailah sesuai dengan rencanaMu

Bapa Kami - The Lord's Prayer ?

Seperti Bapa Sayang Anaknya - Jeffry S. Tjandra

Ku Mau Seperti Mu Yesus

Sentuh Hatiku

Allah yang Setia

Tuhan Kasihanilah Kami


I Give Thanks to You O LORD

Part 1

An Indonesian teenager let down by family, friends and society, became a Christian the night Jesus appeared to her in a vision. That special night was Lailatul Qadar when Muslims individualize their prayers to Allah. From the moment she saw Jesus, His peace filled her heart and stayed with her even as persecution began.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Martyrs Noviana, Theresia, Alfita and Yarni

Three Indonesian schoolgirls were beheaded, in Poso, Indonesia, on 2005.10.29, at around 6 30 a.m., on their way to school.

They were beheaded because they were Christian.

The girls were: * Theresia Morangke, age 15 * Alfita Poliwo, age 17 * Yarni Sambue, age 15

Noviana Malewa, age 15, escaped with machete wounds to her face and neck.

The three girls heads were dumped in plastic bags near a church, with a warning written on them that another 100 Christian teenagers would be killed.

Three Muslims, who had acted according to Islamic law, confessed. They said the beheadings were "a gift" to Christians, for Ramadan. Six of their associates remain free. The three Jihadis were imprisoned, for the crime of "Causing Communal Strife.

Hasanuddin Haris was condemned to 20 years imprisonment, Lilik Purnomo 14 years, and Irwanto Irano 14 years. [Note the young age of these murderers!]

Jesus Christ: "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

~ Theresia, Alfia and Yarni ~

Memory Eternal
Αἰωνία ἡ μνήμη
Вечная память
Ei-en no Ki-oku

"Lidya" (not her real name) is well aware of the cost to follow Christ in the Muslim-dominated nation of Indonesia. Her story is not uncommon in the Muslim world, where women are abandoned, tortured or even killed by their husbands for becoming Christians. But despite the cost, Lidya will not be intimidated from telling others about Jesus and what He has done in her life.
Length 4:15
From The Voice of the Martyrs Canada

Indonesia: "I call the prison the school of trust"

Dr. Rebecca and two other Christian ladies, Ratna and Eti, were arrested in May 2005 on a false accusation of converting Muslim children to Christianity through a Sunday school program. Watch this video to hear Dr. Rebecca share with The Voice of the Martyrs Canada about what the Lord taught her during her nearly two years in prison.
Length 4:00
From The Voice of the Martyrs Canada

Indonesia is the home to the world\'s largest Muslim population. For the most part Christians and Muslims live at peace, however there are militant Islamists who are trying to shatter that peace and stir up trouble against followers of Christ. In West Java many churches are harassed, forced to close and in some cases even destroyed.
Length 8:35
From The Voice of the Martyrs Canada


Lukas Dikson is thankful he was miraculously spared from becoming blind after angry members of the Islamic Defender's Front threw acid on his head, face and other parts of his body.

He was among the eighteen students who were injured while police were evacuating them from their dormitories, along with the 1,400 students of the Arastamar Evangelical Theology School in East Jakarta, Indonesia.
Report from CBN – EAST JAKARTA, Indonesia – Lukas Dikson is thankful he was miraculously spared from becoming blind after angry members of the Islamic Defenders’ Front threw acid on his head, face and other parts of his body.

He and Ardian are among the eighteen students who were injured while police were evacuating them from their dormitories, along with the 1,400 students of the Arastamar Evangelical Theology School.

“I feel so hurt, but now [me] and my friends pray we will be able to forgive our enemies,” Dikson said.

In recent years, there have been several attacks against the Bible school because the Muslim residents in the neighborhood complained about the evangelistic activities of the students.

The attack took place after a student of Arastamar, Junius Koly, was accused of breaking into a resident’s house.

But Koly said he was just retrieving his sandals that he threw at a mouse. Several Muslim extremists beat Koly and brought him to the police, but he was later released for lack of evidence. The extremists then used the megaphone of the mosque and called on the people to attack their unwanted neighbors.

“I tried to get my sandals but the people shouted ‘thief’ and they came and beat me. I feel very sad because I think my schoolmates think this whole problem is because of me,” Koly said.

Koly and other male students are temporarily sheltered at a refugee center while some of the students have gone home to their families.

The 600 female students from the Arastamar Bible School are now housed in this camping area. And they are using these tents as their makeshift classrooms and dormitories.

Some of them are holding classes under the trees. Despite these poor living conditions, the students are determined to continue on with their Bible courses.

“I was so afraid. They threw stones at our dormitory. They wanted to execute us,” explained first year student Santa Maria. “Because of the trauma, I am disturbed every time I see people in Muslim clothes. But I don’t want to be angry with them. I need to pray for them.”

The attacks have forced the Arastamar Evangelical Theology School to temporarily shut down its 20-year-old campus. The area is now heavily guarded by members of the Islamic Defender’s Front.

There was a very tense atmosphere as we drove around the school and found this banner that states that the community demands the campus be closed and dissolved. Senny Manave is the spokesperson of the Bible school.

“The FPI attacks every group that opposes them. Unfortunately, even the government cannot control them,” he said. “We are moving to a smaller building that the government is giving us. We are undergoing this trial now but God has a plan and we believe in God’s time He will change everything and He will help us to stand again.”

Elsewhere in Jakarta, just two weeks ago, a similar banner prohibiting Christian activity, was also placed in front of this Pentecostal house church after its members were attacked by the radical Muslim group while they were having their independence day worship service. The head pastor of the church, Chris Ambessa, says the attack came after he failed to comply with an agreement he was forced to sign to close down his church.

“I was forced to sign the agreement because they threatened to burn our house and I was afraid for my three little children. As a citizen of this country, I feel sad because our human rights are violated. The church has no freedom to worship and it is only the Muslim fundamentalists who take control.

In the midst of severe persecution, the Christians here believe that with God’s help, they will be able to stand the test. And for the students of Arastamar, they are determined to pass this test of faith with flying colors.

Persecution Report - January 2011
In the January edition of the Persecution Report, find how a former Muslim in Indonesia went from intimidating Christians to becoming a faithful follower of Jesus and the challenges he and his family have faced as a result. Today he is an evangelist and a leader of House Churches. Other reports include a Pakistani pastor who is beaten as Muslim Militants demand his death, the unknown whereabouts of a Chinese Christian Human right lawyer, and another Somali Christian murdered for leaving Islam.

Length 10 minutes

Indonesia: Muslim Persecution of Christians