
Apr 10, 2014

GOD and SCIENCE: Age of the Earth and Connection with Jesus' Return

GOD and SCIENCE: Age of the Earth and Connection with Jesus' Return

2028 END
(See the Movie that's SHOCKING the World!!!)

Seeing the movie "2028 END" is like having the privileged position of being a fly on the wall in the throne room of heaven, eaves-dropping in on a conversation taking place today between God the Father and His son Jesus Christ. Jesus asks, "Will it be much longer Father, I'm ready to embrace my bride!" What unfolds next will have people talking about this movie LONG after it's over!

God begins explaining how He told the End from the Beginning by utilizing 7 Days in the Creation event, how EACH of those 24 hour Creation Days FORETOLD of a FUTURE 1,000 year period on planet Earth, and how they EACH contained prophecy about the most important event to occur during that particular millennium. As He talks, the heavens continually rip back, and we are taken back in time to watch the exciting fulfillment action! As the evidence builds, the shocking truth becomes clear ... Jesus Christ will return to planet Earth 2,000 years after His Death!

Creation Seminar 1 - Kent Hovind - The Age of the Earth


Creation Seminar 2 - Kent Hovind - The Garden of Eden


Creation Seminar 3 - Kent Hovind - Dinosaurs and the Bible


Creation Seminar 4 - Kent Hovind - Lies in the Textbooks


Creation Seminar 5 - Kent Hovind - The Dangers of Evolution


The Kent Hovind Creation Seminar (6 of 7):
The Hovind Theory

The Kent Hovind Creation Seminar (7a of 7):
Questions and Answers


The Kent Hovind Creation Seminar (7b of 7):
Questions and Answers


The Kent Hovind Creation Seminar (7c of 7):
Questions and Answers


The Kent Hovind Creation Seminar (7d of 7):
Questions and Answers


The Kent Hovind Creation Seminar (7e of 7):
Questions and Answers